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  1. N

    Stone chips on the tail

    Was cleaning down the Tuono Sunday following a good couple of sessions of razzing around with a massive smile on my face and noticed that I had a couple of small chips in the silver/mirror finish section of the tail. I'm assuming that this is caused by small stones being kicked up by the rear...
  2. S

    Dr Rossi chips

    Hi. Being new to this goodly forum, I was hoping that one of you kind people out there could let me know how to get hold of a Dr Rossi chip for my '99 Mille? Many thanks Sutts
  3. T

    Chips with everythink

    Hi what is a gabro chip . And what model are they for . Iv got gen 2 1000 r
  4. badapple1


    Opinions please on the best chip to go for? Gen 2 Map 2 Arrow pipes Standard airbox ( atm looking to do this over the winter ) Thanks in advance
  5. taxitom

    chips with my T

    ok can anyone tell me what the eprom tuning chips do or have you got one ???
  6. H

    Final Mod - Dr Rossi Chips done the trick

    Well thought i would share my past years setup since switching from my Blade to the standard Mille. First fitted the Gianelli Twin Titanium race pipes with supplied Gianelli chip, then added a "Hooked" Pipercross air filter Mod....sounded sweet but was sure there could be a bit more power...
  7. apriliamoto

    RSV mod chips, whats my options?

    Ive used the search so please dont flame me :devious Ive been looking about for a chip to replace the standard one I have fitted to my 02 RSV. Basically I just serviced the regular items but fitted a Hooked style open air box (Please note its not the exact one but looks almost identical in...
  8. acesrichie

    Swaping chips on Tuoldo, Help!!

    Hi y'all. This is not how I wanted to anounce the purchase of my Tuono, lol ! I'll post a thread with pics for that later. I've got it home today and done a bit of fidling with it. Decided to fit my Arrow can and chip but when I took its brain out and saw the chip thats in it loooks to me...
  9. floakey

    falco performance chips

    Anyone out there know if the chips for the falco just bring the bike upto mille spec or not . I was just browsing the net and came across them , they are old stock from a ex Aprilia dealer and they wanted to get rid of them.
  10. S

    Stone Chips!

    Alright guys, I think I know the answer already but anyone have any ideas on how I can get rid of stone chips in my front fairing. she's black :) Painting is not an option at the moment with the new baby on its way. Garv :)
  11. B


    Hi Guys, Anyone heard of a "MY 01" chip?
  12. T

    exhaust chips and ecu.

    in mcn.last week a rsv article statedthat on fitting an aftermarket exhaust and performance chip,a wire to the ecu had to be cut. anyone out there done this .i have fitted exhaust and chip and all seems ok,also had co.checked this is ok to.:thumbup
  13. Gixerhowie

    Emprom chips???

    Am i missing something here? I have a 2000 RSV mille with RSV titanium chip and end can. I've tried 2 separate chips from Dr Rossi but both of them create a flashing 'EFI' message on the dash. I handled them both like eggshells and put them both in as per the instructions, but the ECU appears...
  14. T

    Performance Chips

    Hi, Just doing some digging and wiring mods to my RSV. Opened the ECU to discover the chip is held in position with some form of mastic. Is this chip standard for an '01 mille. In addition, my bike is totally standard, would I benefit from fitting one of chips from the dutch guy (can't remember...
  15. P

    Stanchion stone chips

    Oh wise gods of planet RSVZone... Got some stone chips in the Stanchion of my RSV (the black part, not the metallic part that goes up and down). It appears to be made of aluminum as its furring. What can I do to seal it from the weather and preferably colour it black again? Also got some...
  16. M

    Cheap as chips

    I am selling my Tuono:bawling, it is as new with 1,200 miles with full Aprilia service history. It was first registered in the UK March 2008 and has 12 months Aprilia warranty remaining. It is the 139bhp model. Yours for only £4500 / 4,500€
  17. T

    ECU Chips (Can you still get them)

    The ECU chip has gone Pop! :exclamation Does anyone one know where i can get a working replacement chip! as dont fancy having to purchase a complete ECU. Cheers Martin
  18. W

    Chips, power commanders and the like???

    Read loads of stuff on here about chips re-maps power commanders etc, all I know is I have a carbon can company exhaust and a chip to match (so seller told me) what is involved in uprating and do you need a full diagnostics check doing after . It might be my ignorance or can these after market...
  19. Gixerhowie

    RSV chips, exhuasts PC's?

    your a clever lot so i thought someone may be able to help. My 2000 rsv has an aprilia titainium exhaust end can that came with a different micro chip to the original item. Does this chip alter the fuel mapping in some way to suit this can? What would happen if i put the standard chip back in...
  20. V

    Eprom chips and Race cans help needed!

    I want to get a race can sorted, but i've been told i'll need a chip to go with it, what chip am I after? I read the other thread regarding eprom files, im so confused! can someone just explain what I need to buy to keep it running tip top? is there certain chips I should stay away from?