
Aprilia Forum

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  1. M

    matt paint care

    My mille has the Matt black paint scheme. What's the best way to look after this. Someone has suggested a small amount of screen wash in the water but I'm not sure on this. At the moment I'm thinking of fairy liquid so any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. O

    Chain care, cleaning & tools

    I was thinking about getting some gear to look after my chains. Firstly, has anyone had any experience with any of the various chain cleaning tools ? Are they worth it, do they work, or is it something else that willbe never used more than once ? I tend to overlubricate & it ends up...
  3. Trevallion

    Fuel Tank / Breather Woes. Take care!

    Hey guys, just a heads up for you. I went to wheel my T out the garage the other week and when i took the cover off there was a large dent on the top of the fuel tank. After i stopped crying, i phoned the Mrs to make sure she hadnt dropped something on it, which she said she hadnt. I was...
  4. L

    Take good care of your clutch master components!

    Hey guys Some might remember i had problems with my clutch, after my bike fell hard to the ground.. I then asked why i't wouldn't create any preassure in the system afterwards. I was told to bleed the clutch... i did... and notin' hapd' :thumbdown So i finally found the problem.. a...