
Aprilia Forum

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  1. D

    Floating disc buttons

    last MOT in April I got an advisory of too much slack in the floating disc buttons on my 06 Big T....Ive rode the rest of the year with no probs, breaks are superb as usual, Ive been told you can tighten the buttons as discs are Ok, so how do I do it? Can you buy new buttons? I really don't...
  2. shotgun

    T/C buttons

    Right this may be a fecking really stupid question but ..... ive adjusted my brake and clutch lever to a better position and the clutch lever is now touching the traction control button and turning it down everytime i pull the clutch in , now im NOT that worried about it as ive ridden for 25 yrs...
  3. P

    Dash buttons

    Hi all, Picked up my new to me 2002 RSV Mille last night and first run back home was a cool 160 miler home from Liverpool. Have to say really enjoyed it. What a leap forward to my Triumph T 595! Sorry for first post to be a problem but a least it's minor. The R and D buttons on the dash...
  4. F

    Speedo buttons on the clocks...replacements?

    Hi the small (very low profile) push button switch ahs failed again on my 07 RSV Factory. Last time I took it all apart and couldn't find a similar one of the same profile... I repaired it but again it has failed the cover seems to come off the little switch probably due to vibration? Has...
  5. C

    clock buttons

    the 'D' button doesn't work on my 2003 rsv clocks although you can feel it pushing the button underneath the rubber nothing happens. Has anyone had these apart and is there a likely solution to this problem, I never have a clue what the time is!!!:confused
  6. Mark D

    What do the buttons do on my PC3 USB

    I have recently purchased a PC3 as most of you may already know as i have spoke of nothing else for atleast a week:biggrin. I have downloaded a map that i think suits and after fitting all seems well and smooth:thumbup, but as the thing came with no manuals or instructions i have guessed and...