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  1. dazthephot

    A smokey bugger

    So when my bike has been sat in the garage for a few weeks it don't half smoke from the exhaust when started up. It normally clears after a few miles but I'm wondering if it's normal. It's had fresh oil and filter in April. It's a gen 2.
  2. N

    Yippee! New Bike! Oh, wait it's broken. Bugger.

    Hi All Have just put a really happy 200 miles on my 09 RSV4 Factory. It's SO ace and makes everything else I've ever owned and ridden seem like a dreadful metaphor wrapped in a simile. Anyway, enough oh-so-creative gushing, my bike is- of course- already broken. It's ok, I'm English and 39 so...
  3. Red Mille


    Snapped my key in Milles fuel tank, i've got a new key cut but what is the best way to remove the fuel cap to get the bit of key out, it wont open.:crazy
  4. Fogg


    I've just noticed a build up of oily smeg around the front of my engine, and i've lost about 1/2 a cup of oil in around 1500 miles. Does anyone know of any common leak locations on these things? I know i'm gonna have to strip it down anyway but any comments would be appreciated.
  5. L


    just done a bit of a caliper clean and when i got the bike in mid november i noticed it had all new pads:thumbup after removing them there all bloody gold fren :rant i cant afford £70-£80 atm so ill have to leave em in. in fairness there ok but rather wooden and ive not used them in anger yet...
  6. floakey

    Well bugger me !

    I decided today to do the usual mods on my bike , wire cut and restricter plate removal and happily the previous owner/s had already done them . Has anyone got a dyno figure after these mods being done , probably going to give the bike a run anyhow out of curiosity .
  7. O

    Lorenzo remains on the m1 - bugger!!

    Well Only rumours but it looks like that fast little Spanish bugger will stay seated with FIAT Yamaha alongside Rossi for 2010...........:rant I was kinda hoping to see who else could tame the GP9.......Maybe Rossi??