Hi guys,
I finally have an RSV4 and the Diva is playing up already!
There seems to be a "breather hole" on the right hand side of the engine (see pictures), I've checked with another RSV4 rider and it looks the same for him.
However my bike is coughing oil out there. It's not much, more like...
I have a 2009 RSV1000 and it seems that the tank breather/drain is blocked, as fuel seems to coming up from the drain hole under the filler cap, but not draining away again. Can anyone recommend what's the best way to clear this? Cheers. :)
I overfilled the bike recently and fuel pee'd out of the breather pipe, since then it's leaking small amounts but no longer has a full tank, any ideas guys? Thanks in advance.
been reading about removing the crank case breather from the air box and making a separate breather catch box located in the tail section
anyone done this and whats the benefit ? .... if any
Just brought a 03 red touno with 6890 miles on the clock. I noticed there was some oil spatter in the area of the rear suspension and front sprocket. I have taken the plastic cover which covers the sprocket however although there was a lot of gunk no apparent leaks, but I did find that...
Just brought a 03 red touno with 6890 miles on the clock. I noticed there was some oil spatter in the area of the rear suspension and front sprocket. I have taken the plastic cover which covers the sprocket however although there was a lot of gunk no apparent leaks, but I did find that...
Hey guys, real quick one. I noticed at the end of last year there was a reasonable amount of oil being thrown out of the breather (exits on left hand side of rear cyl head) on my bike, it wasnt a huge amount but enough to warrant me fitting a catch bottle over winter to stop the inside of my...
stripped my plastics of yesterday as im gonna re paint them over winter and noticed that my oil breather that would normally go to air box is venting to atmos, where do the rest of you with air box mod vent it to, a catch can?
Also what is the metal rod/hook type thing under the rear seat cowel...
Hey guys, just a heads up for you. I went to wheel my T out the garage the other week and when i took the cover off there was a large dent on the top of the fuel tank. After i stopped crying, i phoned the Mrs to make sure she hadnt dropped something on it, which she said she hadnt. I was...
both of my my fuel overflow drainage pipe and fuel breather pipe are leaking gas and when is test to find the "crack" with a clear vinyl tube the fuel stops climbing just above where the fuel pump is at right a lil below the quick idle screw adjustment.. could it be both of them are unplugged...
Anyone know what kinda breather pipe/hose you need to use when fitting a rene kit. Mine kit never came with one and the one thats on the bike is to short as i plan to fit a small breather filter to it and mount on top of the base plate. Does the hose need to me made of a certain material ...