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  1. B

    2005 Gen 2 Rear Shock Linkage/Dog Bone WANTED.

    Hi All. As per Title, Anybody got anything ? RSV4 will also fit.
  2. T

    Dog bone

    I stripped the dog bone last winter and repacked with racing grease. Ive done approx 2k miles this year and ridden in the wet a couple of times. I was going to leave it another year before attempting again what with minimal miles and wet ridding. What are people's thoughts on redoing the dog...
  3. Fugly

    Dog bone bolt

    Hi all, Before I go at it like the proverbial bull in a China shop I thought I would seek the advice of the collective. I thought I would drop the swing arm and gog bone out this afternoon for a thorough greasing etc. However, the forward end of the bone that goes through the frame is...
  4. Fugly

    Dog bone bolt

    Hi all, Before I go at it like the proverbial bull in a China shop I thought I would seek the advice of the collective. I thought I would drop the swing arm and gog bone out this afternoon for a thorough greasing etc. However, the forward end of the bone that goes through the frame is...
  5. felix

    Dog bone Question

    Will be putting my suspension links back on shortly ( Gen 2 T) and thinking of "reversing" the front / engine dog bone bolt so that the nut is on the exhaust side... Any reason not to do this other than heat off the exhaust pipe close to the nut itself ? It would make future bearing...
  6. colbro

    Dog bone

    Anybody know the torque settings for the bolts ?
  7. A

    lower suspension dog bone link bolt mod

    Thought that I would post this (whilst I am on the subject of suspension) as I found it quite handy. The bolt that holds the lower suspension link on that is closest the engine is hard to get out as the exhaust is often in the way. The lower one in the pic is the standard bolt the one at the top...
  8. D

    RSV r 2001 single conrod (dog and bone) rear suspension linkage please :-(

    Hi people. My bike failed the MOT on this as it's kind of broken and the MOT tester has told him that a friend of mine broke his one and nearly broke his neck therefore for the first time I'm happy that one of my vehicle has failed the MOT. Please I need ASAP as I was planning to go for this...
  9. philandpa

    dog bone bearing freeplay

    anyone have any advice on how much freeplay there should be on the linkage bearings? I could lift my swingarm up and down about 5mm at the wheel spindle and feel movment at the lingages with fingertips. so i thought the bearings might be knackered. taken it apart and everthing looks like new is...
  10. A

    Dog n bone

    Anyone know if the solid link plates from gen 2 RSV/Tuono are the same size and fit as the V4 Tuono?
  11. Nob

    Dog bone and link plates

    Check em. In case you don't know, theirs a history of Prillas with snapped dog bone/con rod and link plates, with seriously bad consequences. I had an advisory on the Fuono mot and jerrrrrrrrheebus it should of been an immediately. Anyhoo this is what was in the shwinger after about 2 hours...
  12. baggy

    One broken Tuono and one broken collar bone this morning

    Riding to work this morning happy as Larry, see a bus indicating to pull out so i slow a little, the four people that have got off go to cross the road, the lad at the front jogs across, not a problem, two at the back wait on the pavement, great so they know their green cross code, the girl with...
  13. M

    ops 4 ribs and one collar bone broke

    i trashed it:banghead, but on the brightside i am still alive and manageing the pain quite well, but still hurts done it last sunday spent 4 days in hospital. damage to the bike is mild and could have carried on the ride, i need one left hand akro silencer and rear seat pod left hand...
  14. A

    Oxford Bone Dry Gloves Bargain

    Just getting ready for winter and found some bargains on Ebay, not posting them all cause you'll outbid me. :nana Oxford Bone Dry Gloves any size, £11.99 delivered to your door - beat that! :eatcorn Buy them here - Click Me