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  1. S

    V4 Tuono Bars

    Hi, After the Gen2 the V4 seems a look more 'racey' in the bar department. Anyone tried higher bars, either risers or bar shapes? thanks S
  2. jack930

    Handel bars

    Hi Just got a gen2 tuono red/white , ive seen plenty of pic's of tuono and they seem to have gold handle bars, is this standard or added extra from new ?? As on my bike they are just normal silver ?,
  3. Wr999

    Swap Gold bars and Lids for Black

    Worth asking if anyone wants to swap- I have a gen 2 T and its silver/black it came with Gold bars and Clutch/Brake Caps in gold. (don't know if they are factory ones) I want to fit black so if anyone wants to swap contact me otherwise I will sell them when I get new ones. Cheers I am in...
  4. P

    Higher bars on my V4r

    Hi guys I am wanting to lift my bars up and back to make it a bit more comfortable for me. I am told the Mana 850 bar risers bolt straight onto the V4R. Any body done this and got a part number and cost for me. Thanks in advance.
  5. R

    Straight drag bars !

    Hi all, I'm thinking of replacing the bars on my 08 tuono. Looking around there's loads of choices, but the thing I'm struggling with is the 1,1/8 (28.5mm) centre. to 7/8"(22mm). I've found the set I want from a company in Bournemouth for £75. Does anyone know of any other places I could try...
  6. P

    gold bars

    Can any body tell me if the gold bars on the gen 1 and gen 2 are the same or were they changed ( height and sweep) on the different models or different years. I would like to take my mint 2011 bars off mine and fit to 2014 v4r. The only replacement ones I can find on ebay are of a 2000 and a...
  7. geoff998

    Falco Bars

    After some falco bars for my mille standard sachs forks.
  8. P

    Alignment of bars

    After the dreaded strike of the side stand fairy I have now all bit sorted the cosmetic damage to the bike. Took her out for a test ride last night and noticed the the bars don't seem to be sitting square when traveling in a straight line. Checked the front fork alignment and all seems well...
  9. T

    clip on's or high bars?

    Hi, I am new to Aprilia owership but not to clip on's, my two bikes that are road worthy are a 400 Katana and now an RSV1000R, but now find it may be better to sit up a bit more. My question is which way should I go to improve my riding position, riser clip on's or top yoke converion? I have...
  10. O


    Hi all, not those sort of bars either. After a track day at Brands on the 3rd of this month I came away with a less than lovely Tuono having binned it in a stupid accident. I am not looking great either but does anyone have any ideas about handlebars as the originals are now in 2 pieces and seem...
  11. C

    Dan Moto Vario Bars

    Evening all As per the thread title, I have a set of vario bars made by Dan Moto that need a new home. I bought them just before Christmas for my Tuono track bike in an attempt to find a riding position somewhere between RSV And Tuono. Realised I prefer the flat bars of the Tuono once I...
  12. F

    Ventura Luggage bars, grab handle and Aprillia Exhaust hangers

    Ventura L brackets repainted in hard wearing PU (nice and shiny) Ventura grab handle repainted in hard wearing PU (nice and shiny) Genuine Aprilia exhaust hangers
  13. M

    RSV superbike yoke, risers, bars and cables

    looking to mod my bike to have more upright riding position, so if anyone has the full kit to fit 2001 rsv with showa forks for sale then please let me know. basically need top yoke, risers and brake/clutch cables etc. live in highlands of scotland, so will need to be posted up to me, unless...
  14. Renbo Racer

    flat/ straight bars on 07 T

    was thinking about sticking flat bars on 07 T what u lot think\know about it?:whoop
  15. nikfubar

    Want To Buy Tuono fat bars

    Anyone got a set of bars for sale or know where I can get them. Cheers :thumbup
  16. shotgun

    adjusted the bars

    Sometimes when i ride i get the old numb hands sindrome which i never used to get with me old 07 T . So i was messing about in the garage yesterday and thought i would just adjust the bars slightly , slackened the bolts off and just rotated them about 5mm at the clamp towards the front wheel...
  17. paultz

    Big Jessie. High Bars.

    Hi Mate, seen somewhere on here that you,ve done a high bar conversion to your mille. I,ve got a kit for mine and am hopefully going to fit it over next 2 days. Looks like a lot of fairing chopping involved? Could you email or post any info/photos mate. Thanks, Paul.:thumbup
  18. W

    Falco Bars

    Anyone got any falco bars kicking about?
  19. Y

    09 gold Tuono fat bars and riser clamps

    Gold fat bars , risers and grips , taken form an 09 Tuono , excellent condition £100 posted
  20. tuono robbo


    Do any other bars fit the T using the standard clamp / mounts without any mods? Renthal fat bars, pro tapers, tag etc... Cheers, Robbo :thumbup