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  1. seanramsay

    whits aw hoor payin fir insurance

    just renewed the insurance,,,,, fir the duc fechter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wait fir it hud on noo £151 buckaroonies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,filly comp wi protected no claims an aw the usual blah blah blah, 400 compulsory...
  2. seanramsay

    mates duc, aw his ain work

    its no a prilly, but its ma mates 999 he bought this standard and done it up as he likes stuff awa fae the norm, hes an engineer and clever as ****,,,, made me a braw set o shelf brackets oot o ma ohlins fork bottoms when a totalled ma factory, just thought ah'd share it wi the groupr