Right here goes a rant:bawling I've had my v4 about 3 months and it's always been abit tricky gettin into neutral I've had a few bikes and I'm pretty sure it's not me! After all I had no probs with the apparently made of cheese gearbox on the superduke R I did 10k on! But this little bastard on...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2004-Ultimate-Aprilia-RSV-1000-Tuono-no-swap-/290578224520?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item43a7cfd588 :thumbdown
I think not, ffs even I reckon theirs to much gold bling on it. And my middle name is Libberace'
My bike whent back to the shop after a couple of weeks with leaking fork seals and a missfire. They have fixed the forks and said briefly that it was the alarm causing the misfire and it had been taken out re fitted:confused.
I was talking to a monkey and so when i speak to the organ grinder...