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  1. 2TROKE

    MOT booked for tomorrow afternoon at 3pm --wish me luck fingers crossed

    Hi all gonna take me bike to the local commercial fitters who also mot bikes tomorrow afternoon do you think its worth changing me titanium Akro can over to the OE can just for peace of mind will be a bummer if they fail it for the can bein too noisey as the Akra dosn't have any BSAU stamp...
  2. rig1

    A few priliers up in tyndrum this afternoon

    Got my mille back on the road this week after a succesful engine transplant , took 4 long months but well worth the wait ,stupid grin now fully restored !! Went up by glen Orchy , piss wet roads up there so did an about turn and headed out the Oban road to Dalmally ....biking heaven especially...
  3. falcorob

    Afternoon all...

    First post from a Falco riding newbie to the site. I've been riding bikes for more years than I care to remember and am on my second Falco after brief excursions on ZX9's, Blades, Bandits, VFR's, and all sorts of other stuff. Had to come back to a Priller though, and the Falco is my bike of...
  4. Blackwolf

    Afternoon All..

    My first post. So here goes! Im not new to fourms but have been lurking on here for a while when I bought my Tuono after selling my Honda SP1. I do have a thing for Vs... My SP1 And my Tuono.. Shortly after my Trackday... So got some fixing to...
  5. A

    South East Rideout Saturday Afternoon?

    Anyone in the South (Or should that be Sarrrfffff :roll) fancy meeting up for a blast tomorrow afternoon? Missus is out from about 1pm until 6pm so have a 5 hour slot to get some miles on the bike. Depending on who fancies coming out to play I thought we could tear down to Hastings for a bag...