
Aprilia Forum

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  1. fusebox

    rideout postponed from AP on the 17th

    hi all the rideout that was planned for the 17th from AP by our friend Angelo is going to be postponed after speaking with the man himself today! the weather forecast is for snow and asking folk to ride out in this is just plain wrong he said he would be back in touch with an alternative...
  2. xpanco

    Aprilia owner's meeting 17th March-Tamworth

    I'm trying getting some Aprilia Owner's together on 17th March Sunday Will be at Aprilia Performance-B78 3QD-Unit 59-Mill Lane-Fazeley I have spoke with Griff and he's up for it Meeting around 10am Few couple tea's/coffee's ...talk about man stuff (bikes/girls) Bike ride about 12pm (not...
  3. STiX

    17th Feb Ride to the beach

    Went for a little ride today to Rest Bay Porthcawl - only a couple of miles from me. Pic came out too dark however due to Sun in front of me and crappy iphone 3Gs: Took another pic with sun behind me: Came out better. Nice day so came home early from work and went for a spin...
  4. rschris

    Going to Harrogate saturday 17th - Anyone fancy meeting up?

    as per title. :thumbup