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  1. D

    Tuono 1,000 parts.

    Hi, I'm going to put my Tuono up for sale but I want to carry out the annual oil and filter change, I want to do this before I sell it and if it won't sell I shall bring it indoors and keep it nice and warm during it's winter hibernation. I normally use the Rocket Centre but they are closing...
  2. B

    04 RSVR won't idle below 2,000 rpm

    Hello, I had hoped my first post wouldn't be trouble related but unfortunately my just purchased RSV won't idle below 2,000 rpm. I just picked the bike up yesterday and it stalled out as I was leaving the shop where I bought it. I started it again, rode a few feet, and it was sputtering and...
  3. B

    Just had My 20,000 km Major Service

    Hi all, Capo has had it's first major service and passed with flying colours (well it is a red one......).:rolleyes: All up it cost $1070.00Aus, but it does take 7-8 hrs to complete. I was talking to the Head Mechanic at my local Capo Central (motorcycles R us in Brisbane) and he said mine...
  4. C

    2010 Tuono R for Sale, £5,000

    Hi Folks I have for sale my beautiful 2010 Tuono R in white. 11,000 miles on the clock, stand bobbins, R&G crash bungs and Akrapovic cans fitted. Only reason I am selling is because work keeps me away so much I hate to see it sitting in the garage without being ridden! I WILL be buying...
  5. H

    2006 Aprilia RSV1000R FACTORY in SURREY - £5,000

    DX06AXA 2006 Aprilia RSV1000R FACTORY I have owned this bike for less than a year. It’s a real shame to see her go as she is incredible to ride, but I have 2 children and a third on the way so my weekend rides are out of the window, and she is far too nice for commuting into London which is...
  6. H

    20,000 k

    My gen 2 tuono clocked just over 20k mls over the w/end . I have noticed that since hitting 19k the bike seems more wheelie prone is this normal :lol it still looks like a 5000k bike as well, testament to the finish quality of a looked after ape . previous jap bikes with this...
  7. T

    55 plate rsv-r 14,000 miles £3,793

    My mate is getting shut of his mille, its a nice bike and in good condition just thought I'd post it here for him to try and help shift it. I've had a go and I can confirm it starts and rides as it should, not got pics of the actual bike but its the paint scheme in the pic below and I can...
  8. G

    Looking to buy 2004 Tuono 1000R 18,000 Miles

    I am looking at a 2004 Tuono with 18,000 miles. Is this high miles for this bike? What should I worry about and/or look for? Thanks.
  9. F

    why does my rsv engine splutter at 10,000 revs

    hi can any one throw some light on my splutter problem, the limiter is set to max, but when giving it some throttle it wont rev past 10,000 rpm. it seems to just bounce off the 10,000rpm area, its really spoiling my fun factor, anyone have any ideas??????
  10. RegisRSV

    RSV Nera on fleabay! ne1 got a spare 16,000 to lend me?.....

    just thought you guys might like a look at this. not very often you see 1 let alone 1 come up for sale! if only i had the money!:bawling...
  11. Dolestar

    10,000 mile service

    ive finally hit service time with my 51 mille. resentful am i after spending a fortune on my last bike (duccy 748) with servicing, that im going to do it myself. So: new sparkies replace oil and filter air filter change coolant change brake fluid brake pads are fine - although seriouisly...
  12. B

    BikePilot rides to 14,000 feet!

    I'm from the east coast and doing some summer work in Denver. Naturally I've been taking advantage of the local mountains:devious On fathers day we made a loop on 103 and then rode the autoroad up Mt. Evans. 14,260 feet elevation:doug
  13. richmond rossi

    Anyone got a spare £55,000?

  14. S

    problem below 3 000 rpm diag 1

    Hi, I have got 04' APRILIA RSV 1000 and there is a small problem with that motorbike. Below 3 000 rpm the engine stops. When there is more than 3 000 rpm the engine runs smoothly. There is no problem with starting the engine. When my bike is in DIAGNOSTIC mode on the screen is dispalyed...