Why can't we have deals like this ??????????????????

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Bloody Nora, $7499 = £4607.39 according to Expedia :eek

Why indeed?!!!

You could almost have 3 Tuono R's for the price of a V4 APRC
£4600 for a new tuono huh. Just beggars belief why bike dealers can't do same over here. Pretty much same price without this reduction though.
Well it just makes you wonder now, if the doors will start to open again for the return of imports being big business again in this country, like they were 15 years ago.

Back then I bought quite a few imports, from UK dealers, who only had to change the speedo and the headlight for you, and you were riding around on exactly the same bike as your mate who had bought an "official" UK bike, but with an extra 2.5k in your back pocket ! :yes

When you look at the price of the likes of the latest Yamaha R1 at over 13k, who knows ? :dunno
Agreed mate, I think new bikes are out of most peoples reach now. I mean, 13K for an R1 and £11500 for a V4 (granted APRC model)???? FFS that's just ridiculous money. God knows what the Factory will be if it comes out...

"Don't worry sir, we have some very affordable finance packages available" Yeh, righto then :megaphone
Are they just getting rid of old stock before the V4 is launched over there ?
Yes I would have thought that's the case tricky. Agree as above that bikes are way too expensive for what they are. I couldn't justify spending that much on a bike when as soon as you wheel it outta the door you lose the vat at 20% off it.

Imagine buying a 10k bike taking it out and realising 10 minutes down the road it was a terrible mistake. Excuse me mr salesman I'd like to part ex this. Ok sir your bikes worth 8k
I paid £7,600 for my T new last year (with an amazing trade-in deal on my 15 month old ZX6R). I reckon I got cracking value for money.

£11,500 for the new V4T with the electronics? I don't doubt it's an amazing bike and I'd love it, but vfm - not so sure.

Up to £9k for a bike feels about right for me, current prices seem a bit salty, but that's the way the world is going - fuel prices anyone?

As for comparing Uk prices for anything with prices in other countries - waste of time. Too many variables.
£4,600 ! - If they can ship em to the states and flog em for that, then surely they should be cheaper here... fook me id go over to i Ty land and collect a new one from em for that - and enjoy the ride home !

registration £60, import cost... were in the EU, shipping cost - im happy to collect !

Grrrrr !
'Am struggilin struggiln tae read noo. But that'll no stop me postin ma usual dross.

07 in the states = 06 here.

Wire in muckers If yer want somat that's bin sittin aroon fir that long.

How many 06T's brand hew huv yer seen for sale here of late???
Their was similar deal over here years ago when you could get a new on the road Falco for £4995. My mate got an 05 one in 09 and their was nothing wrong with it after 2 years. You've got to try really really hard to break these things imho. Unless your names Windy.
Their was similar deal over here years ago when you could get a new on the road Falco for £4995. My mate got an 05 one in 09 and their was nothing wrong with it after 2 years. You've got to try really really hard to break these things imho. Unless your names Windy.

My name's windy...:crazy....:bawling.....:rolleyes
A sorry tale it was too, but you handled it well mate. I'd of cried like fook.
Ah'm thinkin if ye huv tae pay £13,000 fur an R1 if ah wis hauldin that sort ay cash ah'd be gaun for an MV at 14,500. It wid ay been madness 3 years ago but it's a viable option noo wi the way the japs are pricin their ****.

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