I'm still keen to see how the renegade kit looks in an 04+ bike and indeed how it works with the sensors inside of the airbox. i suppose you'd like to sell the homer?
right, all the sensors have a purpose made place to mount on the base kit of the Renegade kit, it all fits sweet so long as you read the instructions, (which are the only iffy part of the kit) this is with regards to the "O" rings on the carb bodies !
I've no photo's of the kit, (I needed to get it fitted before Mrs Funners spotted the THIRD air kit for the bike !:devious ) but I'll try to take some for you and post them !
as Jase says....Homer Kit sold already...
Funners. I'm looking at buying either the Homer kit or the Renegade kit. Is it worth the money just for the noise or is there a performance advantage? I've heard the Renegade kit is a pain to fit and you may need a breather kit for the oil pipe. Just need to know the pros and cons of both kits, and not many have had both.
Oh and Mashman, I think he sold that ages ago. I tried to buy it.
Jase, the Renegade sounds LOADS better, it seems to have better bottom end but I've not dyno'd it yet to show the difference between the two kits, my dyno run was with the Homer kit.
I went with the Ren kit in the end as I had trouble getting the Homer kit ti seal properly, after a 5 day tour of Scotland I found grit in the inlet bell mouths which isn't good..:scared
I don't believe this is an inherrent problem with the kit itself, more a slight imperfection in MY tank, as upon checking other RSVR tanks, they didn't have the same "Dimple" that caused me the trouble !:jack
so the ren kit solved it for me.
ALL the sensors etc, have either a hole or a bracket to mount to, one of them isn't immediately obvious but they all do fit no worries...
the oil breather pipe is more of an issue, I ended up fitting a small K&N breather filter and ty-wraping it to a hose under the airbox...
the benefit of this is no airbox full of oil after long wheelies !:thumbup
both kits are beautifully made and had it not been for my tanks imperfection, I would probably have stuck with the Homer kit as the performance was good.
the Evo kit performed the same, but has the worry of the rubber flaps hardening and breaking the seal....
I have the evoluzione kit in my bike. What Air filter will I have with that?
you could have either the stock one OR a high flow pannel filter of some make, it's often hard to tell....:biggrin