Friday Night ride out.....what a load of pants.
Well we started out on a cold night, thought that if we put our cold-killers on we would be ok.......how wrong were we!
As I pulled into the famous Scotish Restaurant (Mc Donalds) in Otford to meet up with Bad Boy, I wiped the visor clear of Hail Stones and snow and it was all frozen on! **** it was cold, it was wet and lonley, just Kev and I turned up. To all those that never turned up .....good on ya. You done the right thing by staying in in the warm, you wont have to wash salt and **** of your bikes in the morning....poor old bad boy looked like he took his RSV across a field...mud all over it, check out the photo below.....it was that cold his head snapped off
Spanner / Craig: you done the right thing you big poofs!:bigfinger
Well we started out on a cold night, thought that if we put our cold-killers on we would be ok.......how wrong were we!
As I pulled into the famous Scotish Restaurant (Mc Donalds) in Otford to meet up with Bad Boy, I wiped the visor clear of Hail Stones and snow and it was all frozen on! **** it was cold, it was wet and lonley, just Kev and I turned up. To all those that never turned up .....good on ya. You done the right thing by staying in in the warm, you wont have to wash salt and **** of your bikes in the morning....poor old bad boy looked like he took his RSV across a field...mud all over it, check out the photo below.....it was that cold his head snapped off
Spanner / Craig: you done the right thing you big poofs!:bigfinger