Warning service

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Oct 19, 2008
Hey up guys,
Anyone out there had the dash board red warning triangle and 'SERVICE' warnings come on?
Ok so my bikes an 08 with 1200 miles on the clock...its had its first service...Ive also had a go at re-setting the dash with the 13432 code to clear the dash memory fault codes (it didnt show any anyway)
Basically the bike is in tune mode 2 cos its got Akrapovics/K&N fliter and Irridium plugs and a power commander....so the system is running in open loop which effectively by-passes the O2 lambda probe.
I get the bike out of the garage and drive about 7 miles from clap cold onto the motorway hold it steady at about 70-80mph till its showing 80' on the temp gauge then pling on comes the light.
Ive had the bike back to DynoJet who have checked everything out on the rolling road and as a precaution fitted another brand new power commander....still showing the 'Service' fault code!
Had the bike into those really unhelpfull chaps at the Rocket centre in Lancashire...they put it on the Axione machine and said its the O2 sensor...chumps!!
Now wired PC out of the system and guna give it another go tomorrow.
Ideas on a post card.....
if its a dead cold morning and you start it then blip the throttle straight away you get a service light for 'Low oil Presure', tis oly cos the oil is a bit lazy...
according to my dealer Touono's aint too fond of cold, damp mornings.. plays havoc with the fuel mapping.
Mogster got a good point there about the cold and damp we were going down the A483 mid wales me and 8 other bikes the first week in sept [floods] and ran straight into 18 inches of water like a wall it lasted a few miles you cant turn around an mine come on so did my high beam so i just pulled the caps off them my mates bmw gs lights and indicators messed up as well mine dried out in the next 50 miles lights were OK next day bmw dealers wanted £220 for a new switch ? long way round,
I was wonderin' what the problem turned out to be?My 07.5 throws a service and red triangle when at high rpm's...
I was able to shut he down with the kill switch(key in on pos.) and pull the trouble code....tuned out to be the camshaft signal sensor connector.Fix with zip tie...
Check all sensor and fuel pump connectors. As I had the fuel pump disconnect after being serviced. The dash board red warning triangle and 'SERVICE' warnings came on. Reconnected fuel pump the dash returned to normal.
Mine seems to do it on starting up on cold mornings, if it doesn't catch straight away it clicks and wirrs a bit then starts, but the service indicator comes on with the red triangle.
I just let it warm up properly and then restart it....it seems fine, another example of character i guess!:crazy:crazy
Oh, your problem could be Low battery voltage, caused by the slow loss via the red light mounted on dash flicking on/off 24/7. I have hooked up a Trickle charger. a "CTEK" smart charger. This style of charger will not overcharge the battery, but keep it on a cycling charge. As I have not had the time to ride as often as I want, the battery voltage was dropping below 12vdc. Now I have had no problems.
Happy Fanging !!!!!!!!!
Aah, yet another quirk :)

Went out Saturday afternoon to take full advantage of the first proper sunny day of the year and covered over 170 miles, most of it on the back roads... yeehaa!

Take the bike out again Sunday morning, fill up with fuel at the garage round the corner then notice the red triangle and 'Service!' code a few miles later. I chose to ignore it for the next 50 miles as I knew the oil was ok and it felt like it was runnning as sweet as the day before. After my son had regained some feeling in his backside (he doesn't like the pillion pad :) ) we set off again... hey presto, no triangle or service code.

Do I take it, it wasn't trying to tell me something after all or should I nip into the dealer anyway? It was still running nicely at the end of the ride.

Adam (enjoying the fact that he is beginning to mastered this beast of a V twin :D)

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