Tuono rs 50 issue with lights

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Jul 20, 2018
61800 Chanu, France
A few days ago, was driving home at night, lights working, then they fizzled, then blacked out, so had to use lamp as light to get home. Pulled the fuel tank off, immediately saw what i thought was wrong, as the rectifier (small box, three pins on the front, controls the electronics, specifying in case i named wrong) had the middle pin melted out. Replaced it, turned bike on, all worked for maybe 10 min, then same thing, middle pin melted out. Leaves me with no lights, front or back, as in, no pilot light, no low or full beam in the front, rear light only comes on when braking, and lights in dash showing what beam i have on aren't working either, exept now it also has trouble starting with the button, have to push start it.
If anyone could help, I'm completely lost, as i can't see anything obviously wrong.

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