Throttle snap back

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Nov 26, 2007
Newport, UK
evening all!

my mille has a developed a useful problem lol, the throttle doesnt snap back, so its like having cruise control haha - accelerating towards the back of cars with both your arms out like superman really freaks them out

anyway, its obviously a slight problem - any one got any idea how to fix it?
assuming you haven't altered anything and got a routing issue with the cable then either the cable is dry or the throttle grip body is binding on the bars.

For the cable visit you local motox shop and ask for a cable oiler. will only cost a few quid and enables you to lube the cables in situ. also pop off the bar end weight and see if anythinbg is binding on the grip body like mud etc.
I'd suggest shouting at it, swearing lots and then trying to find the dry spot that's causing the throttle to stick....not much use I know but the shouting and swearing feels good!
My throttle did this when i adjusted the angle of the front brake lever. I'd simply overtightend the two bolts holding the throttle assembly to the clip on.
i had this ater adjusting bits on the clip on, the grip was sticking on the lock nut on end of bad end
If you have not adjusted anything then the first thing to do is lift the tank and spray the pulleys and linkages with WD40, the bushes and pivot points etc. become dry and cause friction, so a quick spray is probably all you need:thumbup
I had it on my quick action throttle and there is a small bolt you remove to insert a little drop of lube. Worked like a charm.
Yours a quick action one?

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