Taper roller bearing pictorial fitment guide

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Dec 9, 2011
Sandwich, Kent
Replaced my slightly knackered original ball raceu head bearings today with nice new taper roller jobbies that i purchased as a kit off ebay for 24 quid made by pyramid parts that come complete with dust seals aswell.

So thought I'd share on here my experience fitting them with a pictorial guide for all u folks .....

Ok so first step is to loosen front wheel axle, fork clamp pinch bolts, remove front calipers, front mudguard.
Bike on rear axle stand then 4x1 plank under front wheel then got trolley jack with foot long piece of 4x1 under the belly pan to spread the load then slowly lift bike until the front wheel just lifts off the wood.
U can then proceed to remove the front fender, front calipers and front wheel.
Next remove the fairing nose cone lower yoke plastic guard cover and front brake hose clamp on the bottom yoke.

If u have a steering damper like i do remove it only from the lower triple clamp mounting.
The plastic cover between the rads will get in the way later so i bungeed mine down to the plank on the floor.
Ok undo the 2 bolts at the front of the tank by the headstock and lift it up on the stand outta the way.
Proceed to undo the lower 4x fork clamp bolts, 4xclip on bolts and then the top yoke 2x bolts then pull the fork legs out.

OK next get the spark plug tool outta your bikes toolkit and one end has a 14mm hex to undo the top yoke cap bolt.
Mine was on real tight so i had to grind the 2 welds off it and separate the tool so i was left with just the hex part.
I then put a socket on it and strongarm and the cap bolt came undone piece of p*ss.
Ok time to get a rubber or hide mallet and gently tap upwards on the top yoke till it comes off......now u should be looking like this but with ur tank in elevated position.....

Right now i would recommend using a punch a rubber or hide mallet and hammer.

Now using the punch knock the big stem steerer nut anticlockwise the bottom one will undo aswell they are connected with a locking tab washer inbetween.

U should now be looking like this .......remove the top rubber cover
then tap the top of the steerer tube downwards with a mallet catching the lower triple clamp as it falls out.
Now u will see this if you look into the headstock notice the half moon cutouts.....this is where u place ur punch to knock out the old bearing seat cups

And the same for too seat cup looking through the bottom of the frame headtube

Will finish this write up tomorrow as its nearly 1am now ...yawn :sleeping
So start tapping with the punch and hammer firmly each side alternately
till the bottom bearing seat starts coming out of the cup holder like this

Then keep tapping till it falls out of the frame.
Next is the top bearing seat which is a liitle tricky cos ur at a funny angle but not too hard knock that out too.


So you should now look like this.
Ok now time to fit the new bearing seats.....clean the frame where the housings are then smear lightly some grease around the lip to aid installation of the new. Get the new new seat round the correct way or u will kick urself lol.
Now i hit my new seat directly with a hide mallet as it wont mark the steel hit evenly all around the seat cup till it comes flush with the top of the frame then take ur old seat cup n place it on top of the new one to drive it home like this

U will be able to tell when the seat is all the way in as the sound when u hit it will dull.

Ok repeat this method to insert the bottom bearing seat again more tricky as you are working upsidown.

Next get ur steerer head tube in a vice and whack the hell out if theold bottom race till it starts to shiftup the steerer tube i belted each side alternately with again hammer and punch till it started moving

If your having trouble with urs cut one of the old bearing seats in half then place that on and around the old bearing and punch that .....it should be heaps better as it puts even force onto bearing .
Now thats off time to put the new one on so dust seal first making sure its correct way round then bearing on top.
I used the old bearing seat cup to drift mine down the steerer tube that smeared lightly with grease at the bottom to aid installation.


Right once youve hit it home it should look like this

Next grease ur bearings real good so all the roller surfaces especially are coated

Now time to fit ur steer tube back in the frame i do the lock nuts up tight to make sure bearings are seated properly then back them off till the yokes move freely......now rebuilding the bike is basically just a reversal of every thing u took off.
Done??????.....Sit back beer n *** and big pat on the back lol....knowing those ****** ball races are history in place of super high tech roller technology mwhahhahhhh........gulp :cheers...:tillis
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Sorry folks at the start i said prop the bike up with an axle stand ....i meant paddoçk stand lol ....my bad

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