aye its the immobiliser ecu, stripped it this morning, was corroded and making me bike rev at 3-4000, plus wouldn't switch off wi key, cleaned it and sealed it and its all good to go now, had thread on{ 04 fault codes}.
if you cut the back of carefully, you can reseal with non corrosive silicone, then cable tie back together till silicone sets.
ive done a few miles now and lots of stop,starts and its ok so far, av fitted it back in its original location with same bolts, will post if i have trouble again with it, but it should 100% now i re-soldered all connections on the pcb.
haven't heard of any 05's having probs just 04's, but prevention better than cure eh, my bikes done a bit of graft and been ridin every winter so prob a early warning 4 later bikes. shes had new ohlins fork bottoms{were cracked}, new sprag, new clutch, new oil pressure switch and now repaired immobiliser ecu, but a wouldn't swap her, blood, sweat and tears and all that. cheers billy