Spring arrived with a vengance this weekend!!

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Jan 27, 2009
So who got out on our great UK roads this weekend?
Saturday 80 odd miles of twisty Warwickshire B roads.

Sunday 140 miles of Cotswolds A and B's. I now need new tyres as the rosso's are completely knackered. i've got splits running around the center section from the Fosse way.
The fosse way is great, so many overtakes, so much fun. 17 of us, got lost and split up and had hoots of fun trying to re-group.

Sorry for the the rest of the world if i'm talking giberish, when we get a bit of sun in the UK, you have to grab it with both wheels and go ride. we don't get that much...but 2 days on the trot, nearly unheard of in march.
Ended up at George Whites in Swindon, so many bikes out for a play.

when i got home, kids looked at the wife and said who's that strange man with the big grin!
does that mean i'm normally a grumpy old s*d.

I love my bike.

Haha.. Yeah i wouldn't reckon it as a compliment from the kids ;)

When the first few sunny days hits our nothern latitude you really gotta get out there playing in the sun NOW... cos next day might introduce you to rain and windy conditions. Glad to hear you enjoyed the first tour this much... will be looking forward myself to taking her out for at twisty day in the northern zeeland

I'm tewlling you my knees are itching for some asphalt ;)
Nice one Trug. It was a special weekend wasn't it!? I got on mine Sunday as I only got it on Saturday. Been out yesterday and today too. What a week its turning out to be! Starting with a new associate on Saturday, debating wether to take the Tuono or not, he's on a K1200GT and I was worried my loud cans might give him a bad impression.

Get some Power 2Cts on it - fantastic tyres. Got them on my Blade, just waiting to get them on the Tuono in the near future.
Did i miss you were an Observer too!

Great. more the merrier.

I only have the T. so no choice.. I was with 6 other seniors, popping and banging all the time. their on all sorts but no twins. shocked a few with the engine braking, hehe.

Normally as i'm usually behind my associates. they don't get too affected by the back fires, only if i do a demo ride.
so i'd go for it on the T, shows us as not all pipe and slippers.

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Hi Trug

Just a trainee observer at the moment, although 2/3rds through my qualified exam.

Tuono it is then!!!!!!!

Did you hear about SfL going up to £139! RIP IAM i reckon.
Sorry, forgot to ask, Stoney. How long does it take for someone to become an observer in your group?
We have changed our system, I'm part of the new training team putting this together, ours takes 5 -6 months from start to finish.
Keep us informed on how your geting on, always interested in others training and observing, we don't let our trainees have an associate on their own until they have fully passed. from your note is sounds like you will get one to yourself.
Also out of interest, how many hours / sessions does it take on average for an associate to pass? ours take around 8 to 10 full hours to be test ready.
As a Senior, i'm not going to get to take many associates out now, as were looking after training observers and the odd associate ho maybe just doesn't get it.
Anyway good to hear your doing well on the training.
Sounds like it works well in your group. As an trainee Observer we're given a one day course, some course notes and left to get on with it. We're a small group (harrogate - only three SOs) so I guess its the only way. I've been doing it 12 months and I am just starting with my third associate. I hated every minute of the observing with my first associate, just too much too soon, and felt utterly dumped-on. Each session took ages to swot up on and plan, It didn't help that my first associate had a bad attitude (young chap, know-it-all, just doing it because his mate had done it, didnt feel he needed to change anything about his 'lairy' riding) but I felt obliged to do my best and never said anything to anybody about it. Anyway - he failed and I felt terrible.

The second one couldn't have been more different. An older guy, BAB, on a GSXR600. I felt much more confident having been through the whole course once already, knew my routes, my patter and the structure much better, I got on well with the guy, helped to transform his riding and he passed. I was well chuffed and inspired to carry on!

Our course is 9 x 2 hour sessions, plus one mid-term cross check and one FAR.

8-9 hours is some going....I'd love to know how you do it.
Sorry, might have mislead you there, 10 sessions, is approx 2 hours a lesson. 10 hours total riding was the time we thought it should take to get up to speed. most obs run for 1 hour and with the brief and debrief works out at 2 total for a run.
We run on Sunday's from 9 to 12.30 ish,
Been doing this for 10 years now, If you need or want any tips feel free to ask.
If your still in training and getting someone through to test, your doing very well. We swap and change obs to assoc each week, but this year were changing to allocated obs to assoc. so we'll see how it goes.
hi guys, i got out on mine too, mendips and weston super mud, im lovin this bike its so much lighter and quicker than my old bandit 12. i just put some conti sport attacks on yesterday, still scrubbing them in but they feel good, they warm up quicker than the dunlops that were on it, and the tread patterns cool, laters windy.
Great... it's snowing again, already laid down another 5 cm on my steps... Looking to you guys to let me live vicariously until the snow and some of the gravel is off the streets.

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