Sealing pump plate in bottom of plastic tank ???

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Jan 25, 2011
Blackburn, UK
Hey guys, i've just removed the fuel pump plate out of the bottom of my plastic tank as it was leaking when i bought the bike (One of the 'captive nuts' was just spinning when trying to remove it so i had to hacksaw the head off and pop it out. just gonna araldite it back in i think). i'm going to fit a new fuel filter as well so i dont have to go back in there but my question is, what is the best way to seal it up once and for all so it doesnt leak again. ive noticed the sealing face of the tank is very uneven (distorted due to heat from engine?) .... and the o ring fitted wont do anything imo so whats my best way around this ? i'm thinking some sort of sealant that is petrol resistant and put a good splodge all the way round ? Anything else to check whilst its all apart ?
thanks in advance, Smithy

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