Rusted Iron Discs

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Went to check on my optimate this afternoon and noticed my brake discs are rusty, not a little bit, but loads and reckon they must be cast iron.

The rust isn't pretty,but my real problem is that the pads are stuck to the discs, and my front wheel won't go round.:mad::mad::mad:

So whilst i'm saving up for some new non iron wavey discs, what can i do, a - to release the pads/discs, b- not damage anything c- stop it happening everytime its damp.:dunno
It will be the damp that caused the pads to stick to the discs or they could be frozen!!

I had to go away for a long time once and this happened to my ZX6R front pads, I was a little brutal I suppose and I just used a small pry bar to force the pad away from the disc.

Once I'd freed them off I took some fine emery cloth the the disc and removed the surface rust.

I replaced the pads with new ones as they had started to deteriorate and if scratched with your finger nail they crumbled.

My discs on the ZX6R were fine after that and I never left it that long in between riding it again.
rusty discs


Maybe sorted by now, but if not - have you tried starting the bike and putting it in first? If that fails, can you release the pins that hold the pads in and slide the calipers off? It might depend on the type of caliper.

I think it's not so much the rust that's the problem, but the fact that it will be worse/different behind the pads, and when the discs clean up with use you may have a high or low spot, which will spoil your ride and the discs. If you get them off and clean, and they are still true, how about popping the calipers off the forks and hanging them off a bungie to keep the weight off the hoses while the bike is laid up? And obviously if outside, cover the bike, and on a dry day every now and then take the cover off to let the bike air.

Or, bring the bike into the living room - you won't be the first!
I used a wallpaper scraper tingy between the pads and discs to break the seal then gave them a sanding with emery paper (pads as well) worked fine for me.

Or, bring the bike into the living room - you won't be the first!

Haha, The bike has to live in the garage now, when i got together with my mrs, i had 14 bikes and a jetski in the lounge and dining room and my kitchen was my spray booth, ( the exctractor fan was great and all i had to do was shut the doors and leave the oven on all night wiv the door open and my paint jobs were pukka.:doug

Then she moved in and the bikes went out and about, now i have misplaced 2 of them in mates garages and dont know where they are.

Are the standard rsv discs cast iron? if so, if i swapped to some pads that arn't sintered with metal in them, surely that would stop them sticking.

I can't put it into gear and go forwards as the front wheel is against a ground anchor.

For the moment i will take the calipers off as i need to lose the red on them anyway, but for long term, want to know if the pads swap is needed.:dunno
when i got together with my mrs, i had 14 bikes and a jetski in the lounge and dining room and my kitchen was my spray booth, ( the exctractor fan was great and all i had to do was shut the doors and leave the oven on all night wiv the door open and my paint jobs were pukka.

I never fail to be astounded by the optimism of women.... If you've got the old red callipers, then the pads definitely drop out when you remove the pins. I've got spare gold ones (front and back) if you want to upgrade - send me an email ([email protected]). The standard discs aren't cast iron, and don't really rust much. I've got some Braking Wave discs, and they definitely rust more when stood. I had an old Bimota once with real cast iron discs, the fully-floating ones where they rattle like hell. They would rust up on a sunny day when you were stopped at a red light, but they always cleaned up with use.

Maybe sorted by now, but if not - have you tried starting the bike and putting it in first? !

Ha ha I tried that a couple of years ago with my 200+ kg Busa, I had washed it before I put it away for a couple of months and only just saved a 3mph front tuck...

Really dont try that one at Home !!

Get a Rubber mallet and give em a few well directed taps :D
I had to go away for a long time once and this happened to my ZX6R front pads,

AMB 67- What are you telling us? !!
I had to go away for a long time once and this happened to my ZX6R front pads,

AMB 67- What are you telling us? !!

LOL, not that kind of away guys!!

Only Police record I have is 'Walking on the moon' LOL!!! (Don't tell everyone)

I was in the Army and was sent to Canada then NI for almost 14 months in total.
I have full cast iron pfm superbike discs on my zx7r trackbike. In the rain you can see the rust forming. Honest. I used to use the bike as daily transport and rust was always a problem.

If its surface rust ride off slowly and very gently touch the lever it will clear up.
I have had them stick on and I dragged the bike with the front whel locked and gently ease off make sure the front wheel is on a grippy surface or you might lock it. The brakes will release with a bang though.
I have full cast iron pfm superbike discs on my zx7r trackbike. In the rain you can see the rust forming. Honest. I used to use the bike as daily transport and rust was always a problem.

I had a set of those discs on my zx6 and after a fast run back down from the peak district trying to keep up with a mate on a zzr1100, i managed to snap all the washers on the bobbins so the brake discs were so loose i couldn't even use the front brakes.:rant

I would never use such ***** discs again in my life, there lethal, even after replacing the washers the first time, then the complete bobbins again, it still didn't take long to break them.:pirate
they were the std replacement rotors then ;)

the superbike set up doesn't have bobbins, it uses a huuuge circlip. They are narrow track, have dedicated calipers etc.

mine look the same as theses

they were the std replacement rotors then ;)

the superbike set up doesn't have bobbins, it uses a huuuge circlip. They are narrow track, have dedicated calipers etc.

mine look the same as theses



You got a set of those on your RSV?

Are they an improvement on the standard set up?

My Brembo's are awesome and cannot see how anything can be any better.
no, they are on my trackbike (a zx7r) combined with a brembo radial m/c they are mental and make the brakes on my edwards feel rubbish.

They do have a downside though. They cost £1300 brand new and the pads are £120 a set.
I used to have this problem on my old Mille, it had non-oe EBC front discs (see picture for comparison with yours).


Basically, if you rock the bike like hell backwards (you might have to drag it back a bit as mine was butted-up forwards so I couldn't rock mine forwards as well) on the bars, it should free off. Mine always did, but sometimes it was more diffcult than others.

I didn't care for the EBC discs as the rotors gave me problems with the brakes groaning after harsh use, particularly on the downhill section of the Grimsel Pass
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Originally Posted by gaz
they were the std replacement rotors then

Yes they were, my humbliest apologies to you sir, your brakes look mental, Is your track bike for track days or do you actually use it in a series?

Danish Ep, Thats what i have had to do, rock it backwards until it free's up, i'm just worried the pad material might seperate from the back plate, i have seen loads of cars where this has happened, normally on drum shoes, and it worries me that i might have no brake pads when i really need them.
EBC Pro-lites are the worst for surface rust by far out of any disks i have ever used
Originally Posted by gaz
they were the std replacement rotors then

Yes they were, my humbliest apologies to you sir, your brakes look mental, Is your track bike for track days or do you actually use it in a series?

Danish Ep, Thats what i have had to do, rock it backwards until it free's up, i'm just worried the pad material might seperate from the back plate, i have seen loads of cars where this has happened, normally on drum shoes, and it worries me that i might have no brake pads when i really need them.

lol, no need to appologise. I used to use it on the road and go nuts at places like the TT. Now I just do trackdays although the temptation to race in a series is very tempting

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