RSV4 RR Wheelie Control - Too Restrictive?

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Oct 15, 2015
SF Bay Area
On my 2016RR with one tooth off the countershaft sprocket, the wheelie control off, and traction control at 1 or 2, it wheelies no problem. However with the wheelie control set to 1 (lowest setting) it comes up like one inch. Are others seeing this? What's the point of having 3 settings if 1, is so restrictive?

I've read on Tuono road tests that it will due controlled wheelies a foot off the ground. Is my bike broken or the settings different for RSV4s? Love to hear from people on this. I've had the bike remapped and the sensors checked. Thanks.

I may be wrong but I thought setting 1 is the most intrusive.

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I've turned it off. (Zero). You don't think it's intrusive but there is a tiny pause when you get on the gas out of a corner. You don't really notice it until you turn it off. Then you suddenly feel this linear, uninterrupted power that seems to pick you up off the corners. I've fitted a thumb brake to keep front down Under hard acceleration.

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