RSV wheels dimensions?

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Jan 18, 2012
afternoon folks,

i'm gatecrashing your forum a bit here as i'm actually an SV1000 rider (although i did seriously consider a mille, honest).

i'm in the process of turning my bike into a bit of a special and one (two?) of the first things that have to go are the dull as dishwater wheels. i love the Y spoke wheels of the millie but i'd rather know how close a fit they are before i fork out a whole load of folding on eBay.

could someone be so kind as to take a tape measure and note down a few dimensions for me?

on the front i'd like hub width, distance between discs and disc diameter.

on the rear i'd like hub width, disc diameter and if you can get them, disc and sprocket offset.

any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated, even if its just a link to where i can find the relevant info.

safe riding.

rich. intro would have been nice....we need to know lots about you before we can give advice...

thanks tifa, a very useful start.

i'm rich, been riding 6 years. got a 2004 SV1000 with a GXSr front end. i'm 6'4" tall, wear furygan leathers, my eyes are grey and my favourite song is wichita lineman.

anything else?.... :)

You must be rich if you can afford a GSXR front end :nana

Welcome mate, i just swapped my 03 SV1000s for a 02 RSV Mille a few weeks ago. Fantastic Engine in that Bike :thumbup

The GSXR Forks etc is the big mod for that Bike, along with the Mille Wheels what other mods are you planning?
In no particular order...

New wheels.
Stacked exhausts like a monster.
Single seat unit.
Rear sets.
Race fairing with a single endurance look headlight.
Custom banana swing arm.
Stubby levers.
traditional style analogue clocks.
All rounded off with a red bull paint job.

Should be pretty smart by the time I'm done.

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