redratbikes famous modded collectors

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Oct 14, 2009

its that time of year where you will start to spend money on the bikes again so if any of you require modded collectors please get in touch

£130 exchange for a 01-03 dual modded and £95 for a 98-00. single modded.

good midrange improvement ,lots of positive feedback and Griff has one fitted to his own bike ..what more can i say

why pay out for a dual system


regards redratbike

orders or enquiries via a pm please
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Bought a new house, didnt sell the old one yet so double mortgage :-(
Would love one but me misses would kill me........
Hi m8 sorry to sound like a noob but I got the later type 01 jobby what is the mod u do on that link pipe as i hear there are two mods that can be done to this system??
Thanks for you enquiry,

Firstly i do 2 types of collector see pics

98-00 models with just the rear pipe mod

01-03 collector with dual

To remove your collector
1)remove exhaust can
2)side fairings and bellpan off
3)remove front exhaust downpipe cover
5)loosen the 3 front header pipe nuts
6)remove spring on both down pipes
7)wiggle collector loose

Some people have managed to remove the collector without touching the front header bolts,you may be lucky

Hi Mark

How doing? Really people, get on board with this mod. It makes a huge (read noticeable when you ride) difference to the power and fills in the dip that occurs around 5k rpm. It also changes the note. 25mph through traffic burbling and popping really turns heads!


Hi Mark

How doing? Really people, get on board with this mod. It makes a huge (read noticeable when you ride) difference to the power and fills in the dip that occurs around 5k rpm. It also changes the note. 25mph through traffic burbling and popping really turns heads!



Hi Dave , all good hows things in Taz?
Great buddy

The weather is holding out and I've been loving the rides for the last few weeks. Lots of people comment on how cool the bike sounds with the modded collector - it certainly keeps adding to the riding experience in so many ways.

Thanks again mate, I think this is the best mod available for the Mille and is great value for money.


Bump and question:
Is the single, 98-00, mod noticeable power and soundwise?
On your mobile not on your bike with this weather?
Cheers, will take a look.
Yeah I wish, had family visiting,go to and search for"link pipe for 1st gen rsvr" can't seem to copy and paste the link over on my daughters iPad.....senior moment or what

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