power commander already fitted, do i need to check for de-restriction mods?

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Feb 9, 2011
colchester uk
hey all. ive been reading up on the derestriction mods, ie. ecu wire cut, airbox restrictor plate removal and exhaust restrictor removal. i already have a aftermarket exhaust, and the bike has a power commander on from before i bought it, is it worth me checking the other mods have been done? even if i do them, surely it would make no difference as the power commander is there anyway? i have a printout from power commander setup showing 119 bhp at rear wheel, i assume this is full power so mods not needed? also, with a power commander fitted, do i not need to look into all these eprom things? this is my first fuel injected bike, all previous have been carb models, ive seen so many things mentioned on here im totally lost now!
If you're kicking out 119bhp at the back wheel i would'nt worry m8,
sounds spot on, does it feel ok?
the bike feels fine, only problems are a very annoying poor pick up from closed throttle to small opening giving a jerk at slow speeds, making me look a muppet every time, and sometimes when pulling from approx 3000rpm it doesnt have as much get up and go as i thought it would. if i had the cash i would get the power commander set up accurately to the bike, i just dont have that sorta money rattlin around very often!
Save your pennies m8 & get it custom to your bike, makes a world of diff especially on throttle response
smooth on the throttle these bikes dont like big handfuls of throttle

and as above change the gearing to 16/44

or if too much cash just change the front sprocket going to 16 or 15 about £20
yegh im pretty smooth on the throttle, its just the initial 1/8th turn that is so rough, reckon il try and save to get it all set up properly, the gearing i will leave for now. when i have the power commander mapped to my bike, if i have battery problems will this erase the map or does it just stay? i dont have the software for my power commander as it didnt come with the bike when i bought it so i cant download it from my laptop.
If it is just the initial 1/8th turn that is giving you issues then first off i'd recommend checking the throttle cables. How much play is there on the throttle at present? Ideally you want the cables adjusted so that the throttle is without play, so long as the revs do not rise when you turn the bars from lock to lock.

Disconnecting the battery will not erase the map from the power commander. If you go onto the power commander website you will be able to download the software free of charge and then will have access to downloadable maps which you can transfer via usb to the module. However, if you have a dyno run printout with the power commander fitted i'd hazard a guess it was set up at the time?

Re 3000rpm, that is something you will only get over by getting one of redrats collector mods or an Akra 2-2 set up i'm afraid. As the gents have said, either change the gearing or learn the engine characteristics and ride around the issue as it won't go away.

It is quite possible that the throttle bodies need synchronising. Check the cable adjustment first, after all that is free, and then go from there sir :)
Hi ninja mines was the same as yours a little hole in the throttle, fouund out that the power commander throttle position was wrong so that the pc3 wasn't doing anything until 2000 rpm so i adjusted it down and smooth as a babies arse noo.....
Hi ninja mines was the same as yours a little hole in the throttle, fouund out that the power commander throttle position was wrong so that the pc3 wasn't doing anything until 2000 rpm so i adjusted it down and smooth as a babies arse noo.....

Not sure I understand this bryan? There is no power commander throttle position. The throttle position sensor is a standard part of the bike and will show up as -1 0 or +1 when in diag mode. It should be set to 0. The pc3 uses a connection to the TPS agreed. Trying to work out what you mean when you say that the pc3 wasn't doing anything until 2000rpm. Do you mean the map showed no fuelling adjustment until after 2000rpm?
No m8 all i know is along the top of the program for the power commander there are tabs and in the tool tab there is a section for set throttle position,now i took this to mean that the pc3 needs to know when the throttle is at 0 that is why there is a tap on the throttle wire. my pc3 thought 0 was actually around 2000 rpm rather than 0 if you know wot i mean, the map was showing fuel adjustment but it thought the revs were lower than they were. If you look at the pc3 itself when the bike is running the green lights on the side are at the bottom when the bike is idling my light was 3 or 4 bars up from the bottom:thumbup:biggrin
Ah I get you sir :D Just wanted to make sure there was no confusion, since the tps is part of the original bike :thumbup
No probs m8 i'm no expert by any means,i could be talking complete bollox but i tell it well lol

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