Pimpin' Andiamo with paint and parts

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Feb 26, 2009
The Frozen ******* Wasteland!
Soooo as most of you know I went gravel surfing with Andiamo and now am using that as an excuse to ask for Birthday and Christmas presents relating to the rebuild. She is Stealth Black right now... but gawd help me (I HATE white cars and trucks!!), I'm thinking of going pearl white on her with the Factory Lions head in the same blue as the wheels on the tank and "aprilia" in the red o'er top. Blue levers. Maybe taking the cans apart to core them and whilst apart, getting the outer skin ceramic coated white to match the paint. (The last came to me as I typed this, I was originally thinking of going to matte black again.) I want to match the little air foils on the side and the ones mounted to the rad as well, just to set off Andiamo from the rest of the stockers with the black plastic...

Anyone know how to get a liddle paint to cover up the dings in the wheels?

Rear sets... (I'm still pissed at you weeksy!) What kind do you like and what works for us taller gents? I need to strike a balance between serviceability, looks, and price. I could also use a L rear hanger as the present one is a bit bent.
I'm also going ot need to look at a new swingarm in the future as this one has a bit of a dent in it (THAT'S what made me want to cry the most... it is so gorgeous and I think a rock got caught between the exhaust and the swingarm... dammit.

Any other REAL suggestions (no, nobbie dearest, I am NOT going to put tassel streamers on the bar ends, but I think I WILL put bar end mirrors on) are gratefully appreciated. Any kit for a good price for rider or bike is also solicited and appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help guys!
You know you'll lose some speed once you paint her. Black is the fastest colour, after all. Having said that though, a good pearl white paint job is a joy to behold.

Keep the pics coming (?). Oh, that's right, we haven't seen any 'before' shots yet.
Took some "before" shots after I changed the shifter. I'll take a shot of just the shifter. And debating enamel white vs pearl... cuz like the man said, it's GOTTA be GOOD pearl. If I go enamel, then I know that I can match the cans too.
Oh... and I have been thinking of flames as well... classic!! And would piss off sooo many purists! Pearl white fading to yellow and orange with a black main... Wondering what it would look like on the rear portion...
Rearsets... sorry buddy.

Personally the 'best' i've had were Rizoma on my Superduke. Expensive but worth every penny.
Well, the latest thought is to go with the Mad Max theme of leave the facking paint alone and just add some tasty bits like the aforementioned rearsets and levers. Leave it looking a little ruff to scare the wimmen and chilluns. There is a thought to that as I intend on wiring her up for racing next summer. Why paint when it may get scraped again (gawd I hope not) when I can use that money for frame and axle sliders, tires for the season, and p'raps a better set of leathers so as not to be offending Nobster.

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