Oil warning light!!!

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Feb 11, 2010
Going to work yesterday the oil warning light comes on......... aaaaarrggggjhhhhh a was doing the speed limit obviously so there was no panic when the engine shut down :).

Now the engine gives me around 2000 revs before it starts to misfire (some kind of safety get you home thing i reckon)
i manage to get to a petrol station and check the oil, all looks good as usual half way up the sight glass.
i stop for about ten minutes fire her up and ie caramba no warning light woo hoo so off i trundle to work.
All is good for about 25 miles an whoosh happens again.
i manage to nurse her to work, leave her parked up for about 5 hours, fire her up and no warning light and she runs fine all the way home (40 miles).

Any ideas as to what is wrone or should it be put down to the joys of having a highly strung Italian mistress.

Cheers guys
You are correct is saying it's going into the 'safe get you home mode'
Oil levels, it's a bit tricky to get right are you doing this corrctly?
Filters...are you running the 'long' filter...they tend to give oill warnings, but mainly at startup.
Oil pressure switch, they are known to fail now and again. Do a forum search for more info.
A thought,
When my oil is in need of being changed (as per recommended mileage), I have to check the level fairly quick because it drains away & out of the sight glass within minutes.

But with fresh oil in, the level will stay in the same place for weeks without dropping.

Maybe your oil needs to be changed ???
Not sure about the V2, but on the V4 the oil light is not a level warning, it is an oil pressure sensor (guessing the V2 is the same as they come from the same stable).

If your level is too low, this can cause low pressure which can but will not always trigger the light. Oil pressure issues are bad news and I would not ride it at all and get this sorted by a mechanic.

I had a similar issue with my V4 after just 200 miles from new - it turned out to be the sensor cable not being connected properly when it was built and it detached itself.
its definatly an oil pressure swtich , and yes they are prone to going tits up on these motors...

firstly check the connector on the oil pressure switch , its quite likely that if the light hasnt come on again then its just a connector...

if in doubt change it, they arent expensive!! i got em in stock if i can help!


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