Number plate shape

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Oct 3, 2008
If you have opted for a smaller number plate, what have you gone for and have you got any blanked out pics?
I was thinking of getting a smaller square job, but then I saw the RSVR in PB with the strip plate and I though it looked pretty good too.
Now I can't decide, other than the fact that my original one is nearly as massive as my bloody standard can!
Standard plate size is 9" x 7". I went for 8" x 6" which enables the font size of the letters/numbers to remain legal size (less chance of getting pulled). If you are thinking of going for a smaller plate you need to get it soon. From 1st November it will be illegal to supply a plate that fails to comply with the required standard - even for show use.
I didn't know that. I had heard that they had relaxed the rule for bikes a bit and as long as the digits were legible from a "reasonable distance" then you'd be OK.
Mind you, it onyl takes one hero copper to ruin it all. Dark visor - 3pts, Can - 3pts, small plate 3pts etc etc.
Don't want anything too small, but that strip one looked cool I think.
Crikey 9"x7" thats a friggin airbrake...we can run 8" wide x 4" high here is Aus. :D
7" x 5" on mine buddy, no probs with thr rozzers (yet!!)....Looks a whole lot better!!
Need some pic ideas!
Won a tail tidy on ebay now too..

Careful with the power drill on the dude with the kwaka found out when his mate plugged the holes thru his ECU :eek:
I had a 9x3 plate and got a 14 day rectification notice on it as the plod dont like one row of letters and numbers as the ANPR camera's cant read them. Now have a 7x5 and had no probs with it.
Colinpp is correct, get one before Nov 1st as they are not allowed to make show size plates from then. Still we have been able to buy black visors for years and they were suposed to be illegal!!
re the ANPR cameras, that sounds a bit odd seeing as car number plates are a single row of numbers and letters :dunno

Personal choice of course with regards to number plate sizes but I wasn't aware nowadays that black visors,race cans and small plates were endorseable ( i.e 3 pts ) offences:eek: Non endorseable I've read about but has anyone actually got points for either of these in the past?

I see it that the more that's wrong with your bike, the more chance you have of getting stopped for something especially if you're making a bit of progress:eatcorn
For some time the various police forces have been issued with "guidelines" as to whether they pull bikes/cars etc
It was issued as a guideline to give officers the chance to be sensible about how they wanted to handle the situation of riders with dark visors/cans/plates etc.
Unfortunately not very many forces accept or use the guidelines.
If you are riding in bright sunlight with a tinted visor that is acceptable under the "guidelines" for example.
I got stopped the other day, black visor and cored cans...............morale of the story is, when your out riding make sure your with your mate who is a copper

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