Not a good day :(

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Mar 22, 2013
Well I woke up this morning to find some low life has broken into my garage!

2 decent mountain bikes gone, socket set various tools and drill all disappeared. Mille is still there in her paddock stands but they have had a to at the ignition so looks like I need a complete lock set but other than that she's untouched thank god.
Just worried that they have had a good look around now and worried they might come back, other that my big burley chain what else could I do? I'm thinking perhaps I could take the wheels off and stash them in the house good idea? I guess it would atleast slow them down if they have to carry the bastard.

Pissed off is not the word.

P.s anyone got a completed lock set for sale ?
Scum bags mate. Get the biggest chain you can find and put it through a floor/wall anchor block. Sell them on ebay for 20 quid. Some are recognised by insurance companies as well.
Bastards. Bastards bastards

I got burgled 18 months ago really upset mt 9year old and promised to fit CCTV ,finally done it last weekend at long last ..I know it won't stop them if they really want to but it's a very visual deterrent make them think twice

bought a maplins 2 camera 4 channel 500gig system that I can access from work or smart phone,movement sensor ,night vision etc etc .....
Wow redrat you really went to town, don't blame you though fella I am goons beef up my physical security first, it's wierd it kinda hurts more when it's your tools that go :(
Low life scum bags :bash, some people just don't want to work for stuff, they rather steal someone else's hard earnt things, there's a few Aprilia lock sets on ebay mate.
I'm going to try ebay today and get a lock set because I don't want to have an odd key. Also half odds have an offer on this weekend socket sets are half price so might go get one. Deffo gonna beef up security it's a rented house so can go mad but a new garage door is going to be fitted. Also some lights etc i used to fit alarms and CCTV in pervious life so I will see what the landlord will let me do.
Standby for post on how to replace locks lol
Thanks for the reply, 60 quid seems expensive for what are going for but not really seen many go as I haven't needed one before lol
Scoldedcat... Try these on eBay -- 200933460088 ///// 390608817605

Every penny count's :thumbup
Wow redrat you really went to town, don't blame you though fella I am goons beef up my physical security first, it's wierd it kinda hurts more when it's your tools that go :(

yeah tools you build up over years and take them for granted when they are there the moment they are gone you know you'll need them.
my sheds such a mess they would have trouble finding mine not that i have a big tool kit but enough for what i need.

good luck beefing up the locks etc mate fitted 2 lengths of scaffold tube bolted/locked to the walls inside the garage 2 foot and 4 foot off the floor so even if the ***** managed to get in they couldn't manhandle his bikes out.
. Good plan mark
in fact i have a cctv system up for sale identical to the one i fitted maplins have done their thing of reducing prices from 299-259-229-209....lowest i have seen it so i'm selling the one i have for £175 posted if anyone is interested brand new in the box ...took me a few hours to install really easy.

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