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Hi all. Thought I'd better jump straight in and say hello to all.

Fell upon forum while looking at
Looks really good and much more Britain orientated so hopefully more relevant !
Have already seen a few things to try out...
Back brake (prob first question always asked) look forward to getting it working better.
Sprag Clutch ? Not even sure what that is if being honest !
Different size jet to improve clutch action..excellent.....

or it will be when get bike back from repairers after some blind old twonk side swiped me two weeks before xmas.
Result....Broken collar bone..broken bike ! !

All going through insurance but very slow to get anything going.

Mine is an 03 rsvr. Bought it 16 months ago and havn't stopped smiling since.
Took my bike at the time (xt660x) to get a new rear tyre and chain fitted, had a wander round shop while waiting and there it was...just calling out my name...hour later, deposit down, job done. Then the phone call home. Very short phone call home ! ! worth the ear ache though

She always used to say I should be more impulsive !

Never thought I'd be into the whole sports bike thing but have got to say,
the aprilia is just fantastic and can't wait to get it back. I use it every day for work and It's not let me down once (kiss of death !)

Anyway, Hi to all,
look forward to getting involved
welcome along, can't help with the mods as I am to mechanics what orangutans are to quantum physics, but fortunately there is loads of helpful knowledgeable people who'll point you in the right direction :thumbup
Cheers fella's.
Here's a couple of photos, hopefully.



Very nice 03 R Skippy though the twin Temis aren't quite my cup of tea. Hope you get it back on the road soon fella
Very nice 03 R Skippy though the twin Temis aren't quite my cup of tea. Hope you get it back on the road soon fella

Only put them on for safety reasons (honestly officer), but the old duffer that took me out must have been deaf as well as blind.
:thumbup welcome to the zone just ask the qeutions and some will give the right answer.enjoy from sunny california.db:doug

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