Newbie & a Couple of Questions

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Feb 1, 2010
Hello, been lurking here for a little while, but just picked up my new 2003 Tuoldo in grey/gold on Saturday. Came from a 2003 Triumph TT600 and what a revelation, I absolutely love the twin, so much comfier and all that grunt! :thumbup

I'm based in Oxford, but picked the bike up from 3 Cross Motorcycles near Ringwood in Dorset about 100 miles away. Rode the TT down there 0.5 Deg leaving Oxford, snow in the fields south of Newbury, had to stop at services near Southampton to defrost, before continuing on despite 4 layers I don't think I've ever been so cold!

Picked up the bike and got on the A338 to head down to Swanage, (all thoughts of the cold had mysteriously vanished!), where we were staying the night, via Bournemouth. The Missus was following in the car (she had to bring the spare can and a few other bits for the TT down) and said I was just gone, I thought I was plodding! Very deceptive for speed, given the slow thud of the twin, but lacking enough wind protection to keep me just the right side of licence losing speeds! Very comfortable though, my back is eternally grateful for the switch!

Thankfully yesterday was a bit warmer and it was a pretty uneventful ride back, although novel that I could stand up straight when I got back! Looking forward to hopefully contributing a bit here.

In typical fashion I have a few newbie questions which I have searched on and most of which I think I've figured out myself, but anything extra you can offer would be great:

Side stand "“ pretty unstable "“ I've just ordered one of the redesigned ebay jobs and hope that will cure it, looking at a recent thread they seem to have a pretty good write up. Anymore views on this?

The other issue I have with the side stand is getting it down (never had an issue getting it up though! :thumbup ) I think in 2 days I've accidentally knocked it into gear and consequently stalled 4 times despite being careful! Is there a knack to this? Toe first seems to be best, it just seems incredibly awkward!

Rear brake "“Is there one? I'd read that they weren't up to much, but fecking hell, it's absolutely useless above 2 mph!! I've printed off the Aprilia rear brake service bulletin and read around a bit, but my question is how good can I expect to get it? Will it always be a little weak, even after being properly bled, or should it be as good as any other bike?

Thanks in advance"¦.
welcome stav,
cant say ive had an issue gettin it down... must come with practice or try drinking more:thumbup
the back brake is an issue though and one you can improve by trying the 'known cures' but will probably never be great:bawling but on the plus side you will find you wont use it much as the engine braking on a thou vtwin feels like you have thrown out the anchors and you will be back on the gas before your foot hits the pedal anyway!:cheers
In simplest terms the Brembo rear is only good if newly bled. Get a Mityvac vacuum bleeder and you'll find it's not as bad as you think. Personally i don't use mine.

I'm just south of Didcot mate, so if you wanna chat when it gets warmer we can either meet at Fox's diner or even Premier bikes in Didcot or something :)

Can't say i've noticed any issues getting the sidestand down or up, maybe till you get used to it, turn the engine off first just to save any possible issues with it.
Stave, welcome to the mad house. I've orderd one of the stands, so has Chris but not arrived yet, appears some delay with manufacturer. Brakes, who needs them, just ride sensibly, keep to the speed limits and read the road ahead. Simples.

Who the **** rides like that..............
Hiya Gents,

Thanks for the warm welcome.:cheers

Weeksy - Just based in Headington myself and when it's a bit warmer would be keen to catch up for a brew and a chat. The T is going to be tucked up for at least a month I reckon, but keen to get some decent rides in this year after the last 2 summers!
Hiya Gents,

Thanks for the warm welcome.:cheers

Weeksy - Just based in Headington myself and when it's a bit warmer would be keen to catch up for a brew and a chat. The T is going to be tucked up for at least a month I reckon, but keen to get some decent rides in this year after the last 2 summers!

You know a bloke called Dallas?
Nah, tend to keep myself to myself generally. Being a miserable git and all! ;o)

.... well according to my missus anyway!

welcome stav. i think i saw you going towards bmth on sat. i was just going to
3x. you had a fluoro bib on.nice bike. i have a 1st gen tuono too. once you get used to it lower the gearing. i have 15 front and 44 rear sprockets. makes life very interesting. kandn filter . and of course a pipe to release the thunder. enjoy.
Yeah, that was me, the bib was a condition of me being allowed a new bike!

Small world though, didn't expect a spotted so soon! :)
Welcome to our little corner of the interweb, lad. And you could do a LOT worse to make friends with weeksy as he is one of our Tuoldo legends... (grin). Have fun. I admit to occasional issues with getting the sidestand down and knocking it into gear. I put it up to the fact that I have size 12-12 1/2 feet and most of this lot are little pissant todgers of 5'7"-10" with concurrent teeny little feet. Damn short people..

but I digress. Welcome!! And search the threads for Tuoldo issues and fixes. There is some great info here!
yup ...can confirm, i am STILL waiting on the ebay aftermarket stand !!
i hope i aint been ripped off .
otherwise there will be blood :thumbup
Greetings dude & welcome to this amazing place of worship.
As has already been said the back brake is pants, but the rest of the bike is peach

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