new rsv1000r sluggish

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Nov 21, 2011
Chapel Hill, NC
I just took my new (bought this week from a dealer as a demo with 200 miles) 2007.5 rsv1000r to the store filled up with premium at the local gas station got about 4 blocks stopped for a minute to return a movie and when i went to start her up all of a sudden the red triangle warning light came on and the letters EFI on my screen (not sure if that's always there) the bike runs rather sluggish, almost like the fuel injectors are not all working right. It was difficult to go over 55 the bike didn't stall. changed out gas, still same issue now it hesitates to start and when you put it in gear she stalls.:dunno

Not a newbe biker but new to aprilia I'm just curious if anyone else has seen issues like this.
Sounds like the ECU has set it to limp home mode fella, best get it straight back to the dealer.
Thanks, its on the agenda for tomorrow... had to rent a trailer since i cant get her to run very well to load in truck. ugh... 400 miles on it and this crap... this is my first Aprilia not too happy thus far.
If the bike won't go over about 4500rpm, it could be a sensor...not sure which one as mine did this when it poured with rain one day. After a day in the sin bin drying out it was fine!
If the bike runs on one cylinder, your ecu's had it. I'm now on number of these.
Your dealer should be able to access the fault history to tell him what's up with the bike.
Wolf said they charge a bomb to do that, even if it dont tell em anything useful...
so the diagnosis is in, the dealer called me today and the ECU computer took a dump. it was causing the coils to missfire as he stated. the good news warranty covers the $900.00 part, however the bad news is that it could take up to 3 weeks to get a new one if it has to come from Italy. he said they should have them in the states but thats the worst case scenario...

to all your comments about the fuel thank you he did do the fuel line changeovers and fuel pump cleaning just to be safe.

more to come...
At least its on warranty mate!. You will love the bike once its sound, dont be put off! :D

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