My 02' Mille on the Brecon Beakons today.

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Jul 5, 2007
Bridgend, South Wales
Hey guys,
Just thought I would share a few pics I took today. As I was on my own I thought I would go for a gentle ride over the Brecon Beakons.
My route took me from Bridgend to Cardiff on the M4, then to Merthyr Tydfil on the A470 where I joined the A473 and the Beakons.
Some of the most perfect biking roads in the country.... and it was really quiet which is a huge bonus!
I travelled from Brecon to Llandovery then onto Llandillo. Next was Ammanford then Back onto the M4 to Bridgend.





Highly recommended to anyone lucky enough to live within easy reach of the Beakons, its right on my doorstep and its sad how little I get up there.

Cheers, Graham.
I bet you loved every minute of it...! youve gotta admit we have got some amazing places and scenery in the uk, if only the bloody weather was'nt so unpridictable...
mate been up there myself but never took my bike would love to one day..... nice pics awsome roads (no plod ):thumbup
hello happyarthur this is one of my local routes as i live in the swansea valley next time you fancy a rideout and need some company give me a bell ,look forward to meeting up
Know those roads and love the bike

Hi Happy Arthur. Your bike looks mint - and that ride looks like it was lush! Nice lid too! happy biking!!
Hey guys,
Just thought I would share a few pics I took today. As I was on my own I thought I would go for a gentle ride over the Brecon Beakons.
My route took me from Bridgend to Cardiff on the M4, then to Merthyr Tydfil on the A470 where I joined the A473 and the Beakons.
Some of the most perfect biking roads in the country.... and it was really quiet which is a huge bonus!
I travelled from Brecon to Llandovery then onto Llandillo. Next was Ammanford then Back onto the M4 to Bridgend.





Highly recommended to anyone lucky enough to live within easy reach of the Beakons, its right on my doorstep and its sad how little I get up there.

Cheers, Graham.
brecon??? hmm let me see are yes ,weeks on end spent piss wet through surrounded by sheep and ***** ,bitten to death by midges ,explosive digging because the ground was so frickin hard,sleeping in said ground ,piss wet through again:dunno,then attacked by johnny gurkha at random :biggrin yeah brecons got some ace roads lol [just aint seen em ]lolololololol:biggrin
What no rain ?
Jesus its never stopped up here for at least the past week ........
Nice pics thou
Awesome bike awesome roads! Hoping to get up there next year sometime, cardiff is only an hour and a half away.
I can also vouch for these roads! I'm in cardiff and head up the A470 every time its dry - best thing is it never gets boring, there are so many different routes to follow when you're up that way. I feel really lucky to have it so, if we could just get it to stay dry for more than 1 day at a time!! (The A4059 over the top of the mountain and then the A4061 down to Treorchy are awesome!)
next time you are off over the beacons post a note here.. im local to the beacons as well and love riding them as often as poss,, Anyone not familiar with them should make the effort to get there as soon as the crappy weather abaits.. watch out for the plod up there every saturday and sunday (usually behind bushes by the reservoir)
brecon??? hmm let me see are yes ,weeks on end spent piss wet through surrounded by sheep and ***** ,bitten to death by midges ,explosive digging because the ground was so frickin hard,sleeping in said ground ,piss wet through again:dunno,then attacked by johnny gurkha at random :biggrin yeah brecons got some ace roads lol [just aint seen em ]lolololololol:biggrin

that my thoughts aswell m8 after a 6 week servile **** course thingy fecking wintery days out lean in to the hills lad its character building bull ****
i,m not bitter :thumbup

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