MPL Slave.

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Jul 2, 2007
West Lothian, Scotland
This is becoming a regular feature on here, me asking for help!!! Sorry!!

Anyway, fitted the MPL and amazed at the difference in ease of use now but it still difficult to engage nuetral?? Still some air in the system you think??

This is becoming a regular feature on here, me asking for help!!! Sorry!!

Anyway, fitted the MPL and amazed at the difference in ease of use now but it still difficult to engage nuetral?? Still some air in the system you think??


It depends if you have the smaller jet fitted. I fitted that some time ago to my 04 Tuono. That gave me easier neutral selection. Then after I fitted the MPL (about 6 months ago) I only noticed the ease of use.

Whatever, giving it a good bleed won't do any harm at all and may help if there is air in there.
How did you bleed it Andi?

I found that I had to bleed mine using a syringe and the reverse bleed method.

Took me bloody ages to get rid of all the air but it was worth it in the end.
Yeah Alan mate, reverse bled with syringe, followed the " how to" on this site. I'll bleed it again and see what's what.

One point worth mentioning that I found out is that if the chain has excessive freeplay then neutral can be a bugger to find then.

I found that I had to have my chain tension spot on or when I tried to get neutral it kept on jumping past it, frustrated the hell out of me.

Just thought I'd mention it mate.
Yeah, noticed that too bud but it's got a brand new did x ring and 16 - 44 renthals on so shouldn't be that. Pretty confident it'll just need a good bleed as i thought it all went far to smoothly the first time!!!
I bled my Evo with syringe(former mech/tech),chain tension spot on,still hard to engage..drag.Shimmed inside cyl/piston to get more lift.Spot on.Evo said never had that prob...I did.Hope this helps.AL
I bled my Evo with syringe(former mech/tech),chain tension spot on,still hard to engage..drag.Shimmed inside cyl/piston to get more lift.Spot on.Evo said never had that prob...I did.Hope this helps.AL

I think I read that someone on the AF1 forum had to shim theirs to gain additional stroke so that the plates cleared. Can't seem to find it now.

Can you let us know how you did it Al so that any guys one here that have clutch drag can resolve the issue?

Hi.After constant bleeding,including reverse bleeding and pressurising,I still had clutch drag.There was no drag with my original slave cylinder just a dribbli
ng,annoying leak.The new Evo slave cylinder was obviously not giving enough lift/clearance to the pressure plate/pushrod mechanism.I found a set of high tensile strength flat washers which fitted within a slight machined recess on the force side of the slave cylinder.Butting up to the push rod(which was not worn,clutch plate material barely worn with seven thousand miles only).This gave sufficient lift,absolutely spot on clutch action.Emailing Evolution,I had a very prompt reply from the firm's problem like that on record.However I did and someone else experienced this also. The clutch action is much lighter and I have rode two hundred miles with no clutch muscle issue ala Ducatis.
Does anyone have any instructions/pictures on how to fit one of these things?

Thanks in advance

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