Forgotten how much fun this bike is to ride, would be perfect on a set of SM rims, power wheelies in 4th!!
Did take it to work today, Although I'm having to sell it off now as the local council have closed all our local green lanes for 'maintainence' basically what they've done is tear them up and leave them like that, I did attempt to ride them still but there f**ked, so no more green laning for me
So bike will be up for sale very shortly if anyones interested? just bought a new sticker kit for it aswell, see on the last pic, will have that fitted for the next owner
Did take it to work today, Although I'm having to sell it off now as the local council have closed all our local green lanes for 'maintainence' basically what they've done is tear them up and leave them like that, I did attempt to ride them still but there f**ked, so no more green laning for me
So bike will be up for sale very shortly if anyones interested? just bought a new sticker kit for it aswell, see on the last pic, will have that fitted for the next owner