just a couple of pics for the map switch and air box top hat mod

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Apr 7, 2012
air box mod done in 10 mins so easy
ecu mod 10 mins also easy to do

the whole job to do both mods 30mins
thankyou to everyone who advised me to do it:thumbup
no mate it will do it with standard chip in too i have a arrow chip in at the moment but to be honest it was better with the standard one in (arrow chip seems to over fuel)
I got a moto gp can and k&n and to be honest the bike is as smooth as I think it could be suppose its worth a snip if it ain't gunna cause no problems ?
ive a arrow can and k&n and ive just been round our bypass and give it flat nuts tonight MASSIVE difference!! its well worth a go i was going to put a switch on the wire so i could switch between maps 1 & 2 but i don't think im going to bother map 2 is the way forward :doug air box sucks a treet to mate you get alot of induction noise from the airbox it is a compleatly different bike compared to the standard one i bought a month ago just so pleased with it now so yes mate GET IT SNIPPED:thumbup
What's the modification required to the air box ? Weathers supposed to ok tomorow do mods then test ride lol
where the k&n sits theres a rubber ristrictor as it shows in the pic remove the rubber ristrictor and it leaves a bigger hole job done if you have any trouble mate give me a call ill pm you my number
Put a 99 model derstricted intake box onto ya airbox - flow alot more air
Put a 99 model derstricted intake box onto ya airbox - flow alot more air

oh dear its a slippery slope...first you snip the wire,then a new air boot,then an open airbox then a new eprom then a new exhaust system , then 57 throttle bodies,oh you might as well fit a pc3 and have a custom map done :devious sounds like my life
^^ pmsl ^^ it's good that I've got the farther inlaw that I have else my bike would ow me a fortune save the pennies and buy summin faster lol words of wisdom

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