Jackie Chan's JCAM To Distribute Brammo In Asia

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Nov 28, 2008
This article comes from AsphaltandRubber.com

Just when you think Brammo has taken a breather on their marketing and game changing developments in powersports they decide team up with a master of motion picture martial arts. Jackie Chan apparently co-founded JCAM Advanced Mobility Company Ltd., the Hong Kong distributor of Segway for South Korea, China PRC, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia. Now JCAM are adding Brammo electric motorcycles to their distribution in Hong Kong and Singapore.*More after the break"¦

Over the past month or so, Brammo CEO Craig Bramscher has been traveling to China to explore market opportunities, all the while dropping small hints at the potential market in Asia. Bramscher clearly expressed the opportunities are big in China, but who would have guessed he was courting the star power of Jackie Chan? Wikipedia did not even know he was in the EVbusiness.

In addition, BrammoFan seems to have been tipped off on a Brammo Enertia appearance in Chan's next movie, Chinese Zodiac. This is not a big surprise as Jackie's agreements with Mitsubishi Motors have resulted in their automobiles having guest appearances in his films. This partnership should be great for Brammo, JCAM and the electric powersports world in general. No word yet on the potential sales in Asia but it's a good bet it helps bring the price of the Enertia down even more.

Psst, Jackie, I know you do all your own stunts and you know how to fall but"¦ ATGATT ;-) (skadamo cowers) Oh, and Ni Hao!

Source: BrammoFan


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