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Nov 23, 2008
Wont to go for ride, bike been laid up last week hooked to optimate, thing will not start battery goes slow cranking after 3-4 seconds,always has since had bike.
I have hooked it backup to optimate,can i start it up with it connected to it , or is that a no no.This is my first twin and it always seems like fingers crossed when you start,not like my fours i have had which stared first time.
Not sure if its normal for a twin as they take a lot more out of the battery starting them,please help wont to go for spin.
Do a search on battery. There's loads of info telling you what to do and what not to do. If your battery's been kept on your optimate and its still turning over slowly then more than likely your battery is faulty. At the very least get a new YTX14BS from either Varta, Bosch or Yuasa but follow the battery instructions correctly and don't fit it to your bike until it's been on the Optimate overnight otherwise you won't get a full charge out of the battery. You might also want to fit a new Yamaha Starter Solenoid as the Aprilia part is a week point. Part Number is 4KD81940-00, about £29 and is a straight plug and play swap
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Do a search on battery. There's loads of info telling you what to do and what not to do. If your battery's been kept on your optimate and its still turning over slowly then more than likely your battery is faulty. At the very least get a new YTX14BS from either Varta, Bosch or Yuasa but follow the battery instructions correctly and don't fit it to your bike until it's been on the Optimate overnight otherwise you won't get a full charge out of the battery. You might also want to fit a new Yamaha Starter Solenoid as the Aprilia part is a week point. Part Number is 4KD81940-00, about £29 and is a straight plug and play swap
Cheers for that info,going see if i can start it again soon,do i need to unhook optimate or can i leave it on till it starts.Thanks
You can try and start it on the optimate yes. RSV's should start from cold with the cold start lever fully open within a couple of seconds of pressing the starter button . If not then it's either low or knackered battery, week starter solenoid, the bike's flooded with fuel or in need of plugs and maybe throttle body set up
You can try and start it on the optimate yes. RSV's should start from cold with the cold start lever fully open within a couple of seconds of pressing the starter button . If not then it's either low or knackered battery, week starter solenoid, the bike's flooded with fuel or in need of plugs and maybe throttle body set up
Plugs are new just serviced it ,the throttle body was set up by fusebox a few weeks ago.Always use cold starter fully open,battery runs out of steam quick, maybe need new battery.

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