Need you're help guys building my 04 factory back up after full strip down service , started to strip and clean the brembo front calipers, after taking out pads noticed inside ones are thiner than outer one s thought nowt of it reassembled thinking it must have been a sticking piston, both sides were the same . however on fitting them back on forks and pumping the brake leaver to seat them i re-inspected them and found that the pad retaining lugs that stop the pads falling out of the bottom are touching the disc and the outer ones are nearly at there maxi mun stroke so pads are nearly falling out. it looks like the disc's are not sitting in the center of the calipers. Now i bought the bike with these brembo wheels fitted instead of the OZ wheels does the front wheels need spacers under the disc's to put them central between the calipers to allow the pistons to balance out and if so where can i pick some up from .
cheers Keith
cheers Keith