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I recently changed the fluid for my clutch. No issues here.

I dont know if this issue was present before the fluid change and I only noticed it now but...

When I pull the clutch lever 30% it makes a air squirting sound like I am pushing air with some water trough a small hole and its very light to pull than the rest of the travel after this 30% I can feel the fluid compressing and disengaging the clutch.

If i repeat the 30% travel at a very high pace I can see fluid jumping around in the reservoir.

The issue is that If i press the lever very very slowly and gently I can go all the way without even moving a part. Its like the lever is not connected to anything.

If I pull it harder the clutch works just fine engaging from 0% travel to 100% no problem. So I need to pump it from 0% to 100% fast or else I get no clutch action going.

When I pull it gently the fluid reservoir gets more fluid in it. So my master cylinder is pumping the fluid back up into the reservoir when I dont pull the clutch fast enough.

What do you think ? Is there a valve inside it that got stuck or partially blocked? Should I just change the whole master cylinder ?

