Fookin led indicators on gen1

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Dec 9, 2011
Sandwich, Kent
So was gonna go down and see my folks this today in Kent on the mille bout a 2.5 hour ride :) like an idiot decided yesterday afternoon to fit the front 2 led indicators to match the rears and do the dash diode mod, fit the new electronic flasher unit and put my new blue anodized scree bolts all went rapidly downhill....................

Screen bolts no probs sweet as a nut..................
Fitted the LED indy's cut nd soldered the oem plugs on em .............went like a dream.........
Took off nose cone to fit flasher unit no probs plug n play..............
Done the diodes....................
ok time to switch on and all indy's light up constant.................aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh bo**ocks................turns out not all the electronic flasher units will work and I need a solid state variable load jobbie!!!
So am stuck here all weekend with no bike t ride as I can't be arsed to put the original indy's back on...............
ordered the relay but can't get one anywhere round here on a saturday :(

Oh well at least the indicators look good on the front now LOL
So was gonna go down and see my folks this today in Kent on the mille bout a 2.5 hour ride :) like an idiot decided yesterday afternoon to fit the front 2 led indicators to match the rears and do the dash diode mod, fit the new electronic flasher unit and put my new blue anodized scree bolts all went rapidly downhill....................

Screen bolts no probs sweet as a nut..................
Fitted the LED indy's cut nd soldered the oem plugs on em .............went like a dream.........
Took off nose cone to fit flasher unit no probs plug n play..............
Done the diodes....................
ok time to switch on and all indy's light up constant.................aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh bo**ocks................turns out not all the electronic flasher units will work and I need a solid state variable load jobbie!!!
So am stuck here all weekend with no bike t ride as I can't be arsed to put the original indy's back on...............
ordered the relay but can't get one anywhere round here on a saturday :(.............cracked open the cider now I'm depressed .....booooo hoooo

Oh well at least the indicators look good on the front now LOL......they just don't flash no good on a motorway :(

you don't necessarily need another relay, you just need two resistors. 8 ohms per resistor is enough :) 8 ohms correspond to approximately 18 watts. it will flash just a teenie wee bit faster than the originals, not really noticeable unless you put a bike with original 21 w signals next to it. they cost pennies literally at electric supplies shops :)
you don't necessarily need another relay, you just need two resistors. 8 ohms per resistor is enough :) 8 ohms correspond to approximately 18 watts. it will flash just a teenie wee bit faster than the originals, not really noticeable unless you put a bike with original 21 w signals next to it. they cost pennies literally at electric supplies shops :)

yeah I could but the reason I'm doin it this way is so I have no current draw whatsoever from the indicator circuit
for true led setup this is the only way to go
Right now this is really frustrating!!!! the new relay through today and plugged it in resistors are intalled band ends pointing to the clocks from red to blue into red pin 15............... the remaining end of the blue 16 has been spliced into the blue green of 17!!
Turn the indy's on left and all i get is contant on left back and front!!! Dash light lit up and same when switching to the right right back and front indy lit and dash light on contant nothing flashes???

I'm pullling my hair oot now just spent £15 on this relay and it don't work!!!!

Any1 got any suggestions??
Right this has been really baffling me I double checked & triple checked my connections!!!!
Still no joy indy's come on as they should with the dash light but just don't flash for f*cks sake!!!!!!!!! AAAAAArrrrggghhhhh............Ok so done some thinking and the relay I got has a different code on it to the one shown on this thread although it has the same 12v 0.02a-10a printed on it...........!!!!!

It was then I noticed the side pin on mine was opposite to the one shown on the went back to the garage and swapped the connections on the my flasher and VOILA!!:thumbup I'm fully LED'd up ................and the best thing is no current drain leavin ur indy's on..........

Hope this helps any1 tryin to do the same .....I must say although I was real pissed not bein able to go for my easter weekend break due to my own stupidity in starting this job and not having the right bits .....the satisfaction of fixing something urself adds a liittle light on the ruined holiday weekend :biggrin

Oh before any1 asks I could not find the relay from the original 'HOW TO' post so bought the 1 I pictured on ebay which is readily available if you do buy remember you will have to reverse the connections!!

Hope this helps any1 thinking of doing the same mod!! Go on they look the dogs compared to the original indy's on these older milles :nana

P.S. if you buy the cheaper led relays like the blue round 1's they will not work with a full non load led setup like this!! I have found out. tried swapping the connections on athe cheap 1 and sill nothing as they still require a certain amount of loading to work!! must have a wide band led relay ideally from 0.01A to 0.02A starting currrent.....otherwise you'll get nada flashing!!
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