Factory Pro Eprom OR PCM 111

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Jul 27, 2008
Port Douglas Qld Australia
Hey there Fella's, after a terrible result on the dyno with 103hp have to either buy the Factory Pro Eprom with 2 maps or i guess a PCM 3 from AF1 only $50 diff between them..
Have no experience with them so will leave it up to you lot who have some...
WOT 2 DO????
Cheers & thanks Towie:dunno
Firstly, I'm assuming your bike has been derestricted? It has been known for some to have gone through the years without it being done.
Secondly, not all dynos read the same. I've read where people have had high readings with nothing very special done to their engines. Also, dyno operators will tell you they don't always read the same. Therefore, don't be too disappointed with your figure - it may have read a lot higher on another dyno.

I myself went the PC3 route. As I didn't have a power figure before fitting it I can't tell you if I achieved any power increase but what I can tell you is that, after being set up on a dyno, it made a hell of a difference to power deliver. Smooth as silk now. No 'hunting' around that 5K rev mark and just pulls in a linear way for as long as I want it to.
Hope that's of some use to you
Thanks Bob yeh has been derestricted just want to get a power rise outa that bitch i looooove sooooo muuuch....
Either chip it or PC 111 it........ might be easier to chip it..... but that smoothness sounds gooood to..

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