ENI Oil types.

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Aug 8, 2018
Just looking to change the oil on my 2015 Caponord.. Bought it a few weeks ago from an authorised dealer.

I've ordered the I-Ride PG 15w-50, arrived today, great service, but what I have received is labelled I-Ride moto 15w-50..

Excuse my general ingorance on this but is this the same product??

Thanks chaps.
Grasped the nettle and spoke directly to ENI and answered my own question.

They are exactly the same, the Moto branding came from their sponsorship of the Moto GP.. All future oils will be branded PG.

Glad I could help
:D Cheers Andy....... I didn't know the answer anyway, but I'm glad you're using 15w50 on the Capo12.

If you didn't already know..... my mechanics advised me to pre-fill the oil filter with approx 100cc - I thought they were pulling my leg, but I tried it and it worked....... new oil filter, cold new oil, turned filter horizontal and slipped it into place and spun it on........ no oil spilled (well it was a while ago, but I only remember my amazement at not making a mess ;)).

The shop guys were arguing the toss when I spotted a new mechanic had overfilled the Capo by using all of the 4Ltr bottle instead of only 3.4 Ltrs, and they let slip the little gem about pre filling the filter.......... ;).

Cheers from Aus.
thanks for the reply. I'll definitely pre-charge the filter, which I'll probably spill.. :eek::eek::eek:

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