Dog bone Question

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Jul 16, 2009
Will be putting my suspension links back on shortly ( Gen 2 T) and thinking of "reversing" the front / engine dog bone bolt so that the nut is on the exhaust side...

Any reason not to do this other than heat off the exhaust pipe close to the nut itself ?

It would make future bearing greasing a 10 min job !
Yeah...I've looked at doing this, and when you look at it, there doesn't seem to be a logical reason why it wouldn't work.

The spacer fit's in the opposite side perfectly etc...

The ONLY thing I can think of is: could the nut possibly work it's way loose?
Dunno...there must be a reason other than being awkward why the italians built it that way.

fwiw....I've left mine as's only 10 mins to drop the headers onve you've done it a few times.... :thumbup
I seem to remember some of those bolts had to go in from a certain side.

The head of the Allen bolts goes all way through one side of the frame, if you know what I mean.

It then sits against the spacer, clamping it against the other side of the frame part.
Yeah it does... but the spacer on the chain side pops out and also fits the other side so it could work exactly the same from the other side....

As tifa says.. must be some reason why the factory doesnt do it tho... ???
Realised why albrown001 put the nut of his home made bolt on the zorst side... the bolt woulnt come past the zorst if the head was on the zorst side...

Sorry guys, im crap at explaining things... and im no engineer !!

A few pics then i will shut up

1) The Bolt

2) The Bolt - as it fits

3) The Engine Mount

4) To try only - Hat / Spacer shown being placed into the RIGHT side of the mount

5) Again, To Try Only - Bolt in place fitted from the left ie the nut would be next to the exhaust

So what im trying to say is, the "Hat / Spacer" appears to fit into either side of the mount which "MAY" allow the bolt to be fit from the LEFT. This would make the job so much easier...

Apart from the nut being near a hot exhaust which i guess would not be ideal, the only other thing i can see is that the Right hand side of the engine mount is slightly wider than the left.

I will put i back together as it came apart...

I don't think the exhaust heat would be an issue.
Torque it up correctly, then check every 500 miles or so until you're happy it's not working itself loose.

Thinking about it, it could just be a tooling thing at the factory.
In other words easier for them to build the bike using that configuration.
Can't see a problem with it F.
Loctite it, tweak it up, and re check as Tifa suggests.....oh, and ride at the back of the pack, just incase ! :yes
Hope yer counted all the needles mucker.
Couldnt get the full compliment / loose ones (torrington) as simply bearings were out of stock & no date for delivery.
So i went for the caged ones (skf) so not a problem loosing the little bastards now...

A few on rsv net have used them with good reports...

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