De-Restrict 05 T

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Jul 27, 2008
Port Douglas Qld Australia
G'day fella's, interested in possibly de-restricting my T's airbox does anyone have a link please?
The one on AF1 will not open but that might just be me... Cheers Towie:thumbup
OK done some homework and the link now opens would be interested to hear from anyone who has done this modification i will have a look at it 2moro...... sleep tight you aprilia mites
Well for anyone interested i got the info off AF1 website under tech tips....
Big difference remove the restrictor and cut wire take for a ride then reconnect wire and take for another ride.
You can choose between the 2 maps..... From standard to now derestricted and a cheap chip that tells the engine the air coming in is 2 degrees cooler.....
Wow wot a diff much lower torque and massive power diff from std..
Will now book a dyno run which in Aust is $70 for 3 runs...
Fancy doing a write up for us Towie, I will post in in the how to forum and your legacy wil last forever :laugh
Sweet i like to help even if it is old news to you blokes.... some of us are new to Tuono's and now im past the 1st major service i just about have the T set for me.....
I did the de-restriction on my air box as well..... I did the mod where you remove the round "restricter" by taking out the single screw. I don't know what wire you speak of but I'm interested in finding it to see what it does!!! I put in the $40 USD chip from AF1 racing which, from my understanding, basically puts in the race map and a bit more fuel. It is a clone of the much famed Arrow chip, which is no longer available. Install was a snap and did not involve all the tune-re-tune of the adjustable chip. I seem to notice a bog every once and a while when in the mid rev range that seems to go away when I back off and roll back on....... notice anything similar with your derestriction????
Yeh when i first did it there was Sredder but it seems to have gone after a couple of blasts but dont know why and its very agressive on the throttle especially in the twisties in 2nd she s a bit of an animal but i like that...
Here is the link with pic so its easy to see the wire and perhaps i should look at that chip you speak of also
Ifyou have any probs let me know i have a copy of the article
Cheers Towie
Ya know...... I bet because yours is a Euro bike you will not need the chip. Mine is US spec so it does not have the wire to cut like the older models. I think the chip basically does the same as cutting the wire give or take. Check into the chip w/ AF1 and find out though.... easy mod if it will benefit you. I wonder what that bogg is from.......
Your proby right about the chip a mate in the UK sent me a cheapy chip called +15BHP
was doubtful but it made a significant diff lowering the torque....
With the wire cut shes a bit of an animal with really agressive acceleration and torque from 3500rpm -4000rpm re-conecting the wire smoothes the delivery out but you dont feel that rush that i like and the torque is higher in the rev range
All said im not a mechanics arse hole and am only relating it to feel untill i get it dynoed shortly to see the numbers....

hi towie,the aprilia racing evo airbox/filter converter made a good difference on my 03 tuono,:thumbup,try that,
Towie- Did ya get a chance too dyno that naked beast ? I put on a slip on and DAMN did that help out the power! MUCH better than the de-restricted stocker. L O U D though.
G'day fella's have not got off my arse yet to get it dynoed.. sorry i will pull my finger out..
Slider the next time i order anything i will get that kit for sure but postage is heavy to get to Oz so will wait for a bit..... then again mmmmmmm
Shredder what slip on did you slide on her?
I used the Aprilia factory racing titanium slip on. Sounds absolutely kick ass,,, however,, it is louder than you can imagine. Think of a Harley with straight pipes and an additional five thousand revs per minute. LOL I just picked up the shotgun double over-under slip on from Aprilia factory racing. Looks even better and is quite a bit better on the ears.... has a unique sound with the double pipe but I have not had much of a chance to ride it cuz it's freakin cold up here!! I hear the Leo Vince is a great slip on with a reasonable price... I also like the quiet plug option it comes with... takes only a few seconds to swap out for LOUD and WAY WAY LOUDER. LOL I imagine anything you use will sound killer..... that twin likes to breathe. I bet that Akro sounds sweet as well!
Yeh your right they looove to breath & so would i with my heart rate that high..
The Akro single sytem is very loud and no baffle to put in or take out, the only bikes i ever hear over mine are Harley's unless someone goes past me at full noise while im cruising......
I am looking forward to that air box converter when i do my next order.....
Will look into a dyno run & make a call today, only one machine in Cairns... cheers towie

Do you know of anyone you'd trust to dyno your T in Townsville?

G'day Dave hope all is well down there! No dont know anyone in Townsville i would shop around for a few prices and speak to as many local lads as you can...
When is your possible run North just got my mrs a CBF250 so she's not glued to the back of my bike all the bloody time..
Now i can get out on my own for a bit....
Cheers Towie
Cheers for the reply Towie. I'll ask some of my mates around the place.

Trip north won't be until the New Year, I'm afraid. I'll let you know when we're on the way mate.


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