Considering a Tuono

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Aug 11, 2013
Hi all, been thinking of getting a Tuono as a 2nd bike. I really like the looks of the Gen 1 and read somewhere that the old Rotax lump has more bottom end and midrange. However, guess the Gen 2 is more up to date. I read a lot of bike mags and the Gen 2 won a Bike naked test back in a 2007 issue I have.....the one fly in the ointment was the roll on from 40 to 120 mph where the Tuono posted a time of 16.89 secs vs a Speed Triples 12.89.....this really bugs me - I know no one accelerates in 6th from 40 to 120mph, but perhaps I need a bike with more bottom end (hence 950 SM or Triple - although I'm not such a fan looks wise.....).... I ride a ZRX1200R and Im used to lots of torque (stage 2 tuned so >70 ft lb from 3k and peaks at 85 ft lb at 7k rpm)..... will use the Tuono much as the ZRX as a daily ride around London so was thinking the Gen 1 might suit me better....or (sorry for the sacrilege a KTM950 SM).....the ZRX isnt the most sophisticated ride (ive owned it ten years from new) and suffers from transmission lash itself.....just wondering what the Tuono was like in town....there are 3 in the underground car park I use so cannot be too bad.....I know its overkill as a commute, so no advice please that I should get a 690 Duke - not my cuppa tea..... but look - 10 years commuting on a ZRX - works for me.....
Thanks for you help guys.....
Bike reviews are a good start.... best bet is too ride one. The Tuono is high geared as standard. Many change to 15/42 (std 16/40 gen 2) not sure about gen 1.
Have a good trawl through the site, then get yourself out for a test on one...

The T will struggle a tad in 6th from 40 till it gets to about 60 the its off. The low down grunt on my gen 2 from 4-5k revs is classic and leaves most sports bikes in its wake.
You do need to test ride 1 to find out for yourself.
Nice to see yer intro mucker.

I don't commute wae ma gen2 and even though it's geared 15/42 it jist isn't where this machine wants to be, that said there are peeps who do use them to commute.

If yer prepared to feather the clutch then I suppose most machines wid suit but this v2 is a bit lumpy at low revs.
I've had a gen 1 and currently have a gen 2, they are/were both geared to pass the noise/emisions reg's.
The Gen 1 has more low down grunt, but the Gen2 is smoother throughout, my Gen2 is geared the same as Aldo's
and I don't commute on it either, Get a Gen1 and put 16/44 sprockets on it, it will roll on past the trumpet with ease then.
it will roll on past the trumpet with ease then.

Welcome to the institution for the criminally insane.

Go and sit on a Speedie....then go and sit on an Aprilia.
Don't start them up....just look at the difference in the quality of finish.
The Aprilia is a beautifully made thing (often over looked imho)
The Triumph is finished crudely by comparison.

When you're done admiring it up....and let the seat of your pants help you make your decision.
It WILL toast the probs.
Iv commuted on my gen 1 for the last 2 years. With 16\44 gearing and a forza chip to smooth the bottom end out I'd say its now the perfect commuting tool. The finish on it is pretty amazing to say its been through 2 winters, thanks to acf-50. Only downside is tank range- average 110 miles on commute b4 reserve light comes on but its a small price to pay for the huge grin I get every day.
You obviously know where to stop for fuel then, so no problem. Top man :thumbup

That was exactly what I did Tifa, I went to look at a Trumpet and saw the Tuono in the corner looking neglected, that was what I bought. :yes
Thanks all, I will have a look at what is out there.....I have Akras, K&N, dropped gearing 16/45 (vs 17/42) Ohlins rear shocks, raceteched front, brembo M/c, braided lines, new front 4 pot calipers etc etc on the ZRX....10 years on I hope I have scratched the modding itch and hopefully can pick up a Tuono where someone else has done all the hard I should look for Akras, K&N, dropped gearing....braided lines - anything else.....?
Hello mate, welcoem to the forum.

I feel being a newbie to the Tuono i can relate some of my findings.

I have owned to date - ZX6R, V Rod, Sprint ST1050, Fireblade and Currently Tuono.

If i was to compare the ST1050 tripel engine to the Tuon, there is no comparison, the T is an animal, the tripel is linear through the rev range.
My Tuono would leave it for dead.

From the first ride of the Tuono i felt like it is a real piece of machinery, alive if you like. The other bikes felt almost engineered to a sedentary state, dont get me wrong the Blade for example can take you to warp speed but in a neutral way, the Tuono feels like a handbuilt machine and i really like that.

The Tuono is a blast, i took it to Snetterton feeling anxious as my Blade was a weapon round the track but the Tuono, well it ate prety much every sportsbike out there, the confidence this bike gives you is astonishing, it tears out of corners and feels so planted, the drive is immense, you wont feel it lacks in the oomph department,i had way more fun on the T.
Rolling through the countryside it inspires confidence and the brakes haul you up sooo quickly it is almost scary.

My mate has a 09 Fazer Thou and he depserately wants to get a Tuono, it leaves him for dead during vehicular overtakes and out of the bends etc nad he always comment son how good it sounds even with the baffles in (thanks Akrapovic).

In town it can be a pain, it doesnt like low speed, low gear combos and i couldnt handle it daily, i have found that if you stick it in 2nd it will do 28mph with a light clutch feathering but it isnt ideal and i woudl get pretty fed up with it, that said i did a great power wheelie away from the lights the other day and coudlnt wipe the grin off my face, first time ever and it fellt amazing!

I seriously cannot imagine being happier on another bike, it is the best purcahse i have made (and nothing has gone wrong yet.....)

Join the dark side!
Hio TuonoLee, if you don't work in sales, you should be.
I appreciate your enthusiasm and it almost makes me want to run out and get a Gen 1 or 2, except......bugger.....I do all my riding in and outta town (you say in town it can be a pain) will defo need to take a test ride to see how it is at bimbling (not hopeful given what's been said) - I filter through the Blackwall every day and low speed carburation and flexibility is a must........I fancy one heres hoping....Ive never had a bike as a toy - its always had to earn its crust as transport too (regardless of cars in the drive)....mind you I've never had two bikes at once either.... but realistically know would rarely use it at week ends much, so it needs to do the daily grind might just be too focused for that....
I had the same problem with my gen 1 low speed riding round town was a nightmare. I put a forza chip in , 5 minute job. and its made a huuuge difference. Low down power now smooth as anything. It really is like riding a different bike. And as I use my tuono daily it now makes riding round town actually enjoyable. Best £45 iv ever spent on the T.
Mine had 16/44 gearing (gen 1) when I had it and although they don't like it much under 3k ish, it's not a problem. Yes you do have to use the clutch in 2nd but its no biggie.
Thanks Paulo, Cheers STiX, all new to be - never owned a fuel injected bike - so ECUs and chips (of the non salt and vinegar variety) and re maps are all unkown to me.....uncharted territory....the carb'd 950SM is starting to look cuddly, soft and attractive....anyone tried one? Know its a cheeky question on this site but Im sure many have more than one marque of bike...
Hi Wardy,
I'm new on here myself having just bought an 03 Tuono.
You really need to try one. A big twin will always suffer some at low revs in town traffic, nature of the beast. But the trade off is well worth it.
If you do a lot of town work then may I suggest this: change your ZRX1200R for a Tuono and then get a 300cc Scooter. Scooters rock in town, especially the bigger capacity ones. Just a thought.
Hi Rich, I can't sell the ZRX - Im too attached to it and its with me for the duration - I just spent £1,500 on it (Corbin seat, refurbed Ohlins, Brembo M/C, new front fork internals, new wavey front dics etc etc) - the garage said I was mad spending that money on a 10 year old bike with 50K on it and they are right - but we do not always behave rationally.....I cannot do the scooter thing either....its probably a vanity thing but it has to be a big bore bike and not an I-L-4....was even thinking MT01 at one point - but its a bit too ZRX like (well big, heavy, torquey) Tuono or 950 SM it will be........anyway I won't waste anymore of your time on the Tuono forum as I shouldn't technically be posting, not actually having a Tuono - I feel a bit of a fraud...... thanks for the input....

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