CLUTCH! can anyone please shed some light on this!

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Dec 28, 2014
Hey guys been a while since I last posted.

Replaced the clutch slave with an oberon performance part in the hope of better clutch operation.

Bled the clutch bottom to top with syringe pushing the flow of brake/clutch fluid upwards through the bleed nipple, removing excess fluid at the other end.. did this until I could see no air bubbles at the top.

Clutch felt fine so left it without a test ride as it was rather cold!

Took it out for a quick blast to the petrol station today, was fine all the way there, good clutch operation no clutch slip etc good feel on the lever,

Turn the bike off fill up with petrol, walk in pay etc come back out start it up, hmmmn clutch feels vague again slightly stiff, same feel when the engine isn't running.

So yeah rode home tried giving it a handful and all I got was clutch slip, so rode it home gently..

Any ideas as to whats gone wrong? and how to solve this pain in the ass clutch system.

Had a similar prob on mine a while back and found it was air trapped in the slave cylinder but a simple fix.
take the slave off and hold it with the open end facing upwards and pump the clutch a few times, if that doesn't work try tapping the slave against the engine a bit and try again. easier to do as a 2 man job as you will need to ensure the res is topped up.
hope this fixes it mate.
Thanks for the fast reply Brooksy.. Typically I'v got in a rage and took it completely to bits again! going to start fresh tomorrow, buy some new dot 4 and flush through about 250ml with a heavy duty syringe, flushing it up to the res while watching the level of course and removing excess fluid..

I will take the slave off the engine and hold it upright as you said and tap it on the engine while getting the ol man to pump the clutch..

I will then test ride it, make sure it gets up to temperature, stop it for 5 mins ride again see if the clutch changes..

If I have the slipping problem again I will do exactly as you said hopefully that should be the end to this ongoing catastrophe!
thanks for the replies, now I'm confused as f**k.

Can't bleed it for some reason, can't find any info on how to do it correctly on a 2006 onwards tuono/rsv.

I seriously hate these clutches, I had problems with My last tuono to do with the clutch slave and only bought another one for the way they ride and sound.

Seriously considering selling mine and going back to a GSXR due to these stupid little niggles that Aprilia should of rectified.
air can't cause slip, need to adjust the pin on the lever.
if that's the case then what fixed my problem as I didn't touch the pin on the lever, maybe my use of the word air in the slave should have read a vacuum in the slave cylinder causing the problem,
I aint no mechanic but what I do know is it fixed my problem and for the sake of 10 mins work I would give it a go

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