Clutch basket

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Mick Oliver

Hi guys
I am sure someone will know the answer to this.
I wanted to strip and check the clutch plates I just wanted to check if you can acces the plates and springs without removing anything but the cover plate.
I was told the the basket can end up with ridges that prevent the plates freeing of properly so just want to check because manual says something about draining the water but I am sure someone has done this and could give me some help before I start.:dunno

Cheers guys
Launch the bike on its side stand and you dont need to drain, and it would be oil not water. You can take the basket out but you need to free the nut off and its at about 180nm and loctited. Just make sure when you take the cover off you put the gasket and washers back on in the right order, Good luck :thumbup
I new somebody would know done other ones before just wondered if there was any differences just in the manual is said about water pump removal.
I shall take apart tonight.


If your just removing the plates then just drain oil and remove outer clutch cover and you can remove plates and steel spacers ( keep bolts/springs/plates stored in order as you remove them and refit in the same order)

According to the manual if your going to remove the inner clutch cover then you have to drain the coolant and remove reservoir and rear brake pedal.

I recently did mine (just plate removal/inspection) and used a ABBA stand so I had to drain my oil...not aware that if it was on the sidestand I didn't have to drain it :dunno
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Dont touch water pump mate, just undo the bolts on the clutch cover, the cover comes off, if you put it o its stand you wont lose any oil, its a piss easy job, even i did it :thumbup
Thanks guys I will do side stand and just need to check as I know it doesnt take long and the bike is new to me and dont know the condition I have had bikes in the past where the plates dry out and you get clutch drag.
So just a case of soaking the plates and refitting checking spring length and check for warping.
Doesnt hurt to check these things when the bike is new.

Thanks again lads

All done but the inside plates were dry of oil and the 2 inside steels have blued so I think I need to buy new plates both sets:rant
So where is the best place to get new plates corks and steels:dunno

These plates must be buckled because there is still clutch drag..
Barnett are a bit cha ching but quality is good.

Try Southern Cross Mick 020 7328 1428

I think they keep them in stock and are reasonable

or there is RSVR net

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